全台必朝聖特色景點! 臨海「童趣教堂」就在東部




The Yiwan Presbyterian Church, located at the northern end of Chenggong Town in Taitung County, is known as the “most childlike church on the eastern coast.”

With its European style, white exterior and multi-colored patterns, the little church has become one of the most popular destinations for social media influencers.


Built in 1953, the church was once destroyed during a natural disaster in 1974; it was later reconstructed by architect Lai Ming-de.

Lai used the patterns of Christmas cards he received as a child to create this unique church.

The church’s front resembles an ordinary gothic-style building, but if you head to the back, you’ll be surprised to discover that it’s merely a wall, which is why it’s also known as the “card church.”

地址: 臺東縣成功鎮博愛里宜灣路11號

No. 11, Yiwan Rd., Chenggong Township, Taitung County 961, Taiwan (R.O.C.)

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