
【看英文中國郵報學英文】知名YouTuber「阿滴」 10 日發布全英文影片及中英文公開信,呼籲世衛讓台灣成為會員國。而 11 日時,阿滴也在個人頻道對於可能會因此被人放大檢視一事,曝光真實心聲,而引來討論。

Ray Du, a famous Taiwanese YouTuber, shared his feelings and thoughts in a video after the release of his controversial video, titled “An open letter to the World Health Organization,” which went viral on Monday.

阿滴週一公開信影片一天即累積90萬人次觀看。週二,阿滴在影片中介紹如何透過 facebook 、 Instagram 、 Twitter 三大社群平台,一起為台灣發聲,向世界傳遞訊息。

The previous video, aimed at voicing support for Taiwan’s participation in the World Health Organization (WHO), attracted over 900,000 online views within one day. In a new video released on Tuesday, Ray further explained how to make Taiwanese voice heard via social media, such as Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.


“Thanks to those who gave comments of encouragement after watching my video,” he said “After all, I know that making the video on this topic is risky. Yet, I still believe that I’m doing the right thing.”

He added with a smile, “Yes, I’m lame,” in response to online trolls who criticized him.

最後,阿滴也向會謾罵的酸民表示「要罵的人就罵吧」,甚至開玩笑直呼「我就爛(笑)」。| In response to trolls, he jokingly said, “Yes, I’m lame.” (Courtesy of YouTube/Ray Du)
最後,阿滴也向會謾罵的酸民表示「要罵的人就罵吧」,甚至開玩笑直呼「我就爛(笑)」。| In response to trolls, he jokingly said, “Yes, I’m lame.” (Courtesy of YouTube/Ray Du)

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