「台北大峽谷」秘境曝光 鏡頭後拉網友傻眼:太機車

<p>A short video titled “Taipei Grand Canyon” had social media users believing there was a new #Instaworthy spot in Taipei. (Screengrab from Facebook)</p>

A short video titled “Taipei Grand Canyon” had social media users believing there was a new #Instaworthy spot in Taipei. (Screengrab from Facebook)

【看CP學英文】美國大峽谷(Grand Canyon)是眾人皆知的經典拍照景點,然雄偉的黃土山脈竟然在台北市也能看到!

The Grand Canyon is one of the most famous and classic photo spots in the United States. Contrary to all expectations, it seems that the majestic yellow mountains can be seen in Taipei too!


A social media user recently posted a short video to a Facebook group, tagging it with descriptions including “Taipei Grand Canyon”, “secret spot” and “#Instaworthy spots.”


In the first two seconds of the video, a camera drone is seemingly panning over a large area of hills interspersed with green trees, culminating in a stunning view.

In addition, the rocky cliffs on both sides also look very similar to the Grand Canyon in the United States.

As the camera zooms out, however, viewers suddenly realize that the beautiful “natural landscape” is actually the seat of an old motorcycle and the “green trees” are the moldy patches in the yellow sponge seat.

After the camera zoomed out, it became apparent that it was the seat of a motorcycle. (Screengrab from Facebook)
After the camera zoomed out, it became apparent that it was the seat of a motorcycle. (Screengrab from Facebook)


The video immediately received more than 10,000 likes and a thousand shares. Many social media users also fell prey to the optical illusion and commented that they had wondered where the exact location of the secret spot was.

Another also jokingly added that there’s also a “Taipei Grand Canyon” parked in front of their home.

Many admitted to falling prey to the optical illusion. (Screengrab from Facebook)
Many admitted to falling prey to the optical illusion. (Screengrab from Facebook)


For disappointed social media users who really want to see the Grand Canyon without traveling abroad, we recommend the “Linkou Buffalo Pit” which is located near the Xibin Expressway! With its large rock formation, the secret spot is now widely known as the real “Taiwan Grand Canyon”.

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