

Taiwan’s garbage collection system has a distinctive feature: classical music. Local residents take out their garbage whenever they hear a specific song played by the garbage truck. With this observation in mind, a group of students from Fu Jen Catholic University conducted a social experiment on “how powerful can classical music be without the help of trucks” to introduce this unique garbage truck system to foreigners.

輔仁大學學生透過社會實驗「垃圾車音樂帶給台灣人多大的影響」,將台灣獨有的垃圾車文化宣揚國際。| A group of students from Fu Jen Catholic University conducted a social experiment on “how powerful can classical music be without the help of trucks” to introduce Taiwan’s unique garbage truck system to foreigners.(Courtesy of YouTube: Taiwan Trash Band)
輔仁大學學生透過社會實驗「垃圾車音樂帶給台灣人多大的影響」,將台灣獨有的垃圾車文化宣揚國際。| A group of students from Fu Jen Catholic University conducted a social experiment on “how powerful can classical music be without the help of trucks” to introduce Taiwan’s unique garbage truck system to foreigners.(Courtesy of YouTube: Taiwan Trash Band)


The video, titled “ Taiwan Trash Band,” is aimed at explaining the local “garbage truck collection culture” and showcasing the efforts people put in handling and sorting their garbage. Strangely enough, garbage disposal has become part of life in Taiwan.

That’s why so many people would argue that “Taiwan is clean.”

民眾受訪時表示,台灣垃圾不落地真的很乾淨,且台灣一天就有2至3班垃圾車。| A passerby who particiapted in the social experiment said that the policy of keeping the trash off the ground helps keep the environment clean. (Courtesy of YouTube: Taiwan Trash Band)
民眾受訪時表示,台灣垃圾不落地真的很乾淨,且台灣一天就有2至3班垃圾車。| A passerby who particiapted in the social experiment said that the policy of keeping the trash off the ground helps keep the environment clean. (Courtesy of YouTube: Taiwan Trash Band)


Let’s see how people reacted when they heard the music played by the garbage trucks!

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