老外看台灣/台灣哪裡好? 瑞典駐台代表稱:住在台灣我感到很安全

【看英文中國郵報學英文】隨著全球2019新冠肺炎疫情升溫,來自瑞典的YouTuber Jonas特別訪問瑞典駐臺代表,分享他對於台灣防疫措施的看法,另外,Jonas更進一步列出5點台灣防疫做得很好的部分。

As the novel Coronavirus continues to spread around the world, Swedish YouTuber Jonas asked the Swedish representative in Taiwan his thoughts on Taiwan’s virus-prevention measures and pointed out 5 things that Taiwan did right in the battle against COVID-19.


In the video, Swedish representative, Hakan Jevrell, credits Taiwan’s fast reaction in virus prevention owing to past learning experiences from the 2003 SARS outbreak, strict restrictions in travel bans, and requirements of temperature-taking as some of the reasons for Taiwan’s success.

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