
<p>▲台灣宮廟民俗美學強勢入圍葛萊美獎最佳專輯包裝設計。| A Taiwan design company, Onion Design, has secured a nomination for Best Recording Package for their creation of the album cover “Hold That Tiger”(Onion Design Associates|behance 洋蔥設計)</p>

▲台灣宮廟民俗美學強勢入圍葛萊美獎最佳專輯包裝設計。| A Taiwan design company, Onion Design, has secured a nomination for Best Recording Package for their creation of the album cover “Hold That Tiger”(Onion Design Associates|behance 洋蔥設計)

【看英文中國郵報學英文】今年埔鹽順澤宮的「冠軍帽」爆紅,台灣特殊的宮廟文化也一躍成為網路討論焦點。有趣的是,日前全球矚目的美國葛萊美獎給予台灣宮廟文化相當程度的讚賞。由「洋蔥設計」操刀美術的泥灘地浪人《擒虎記》入圍葛萊美最佳專輯包裝設計( Best Recording Package ),專輯封面濃濃宮廟符咒風格獲得國際青睞。

Thanks to the sudden fame brought about by Buyan Shunze Temple’s “lucky cap” earlier this year, Taiwan’s unique temple culture has received some well-deserved attention online. Against this backdrop, the idea that Grammy Awards will give the accolade to the local temple culture is equally interesting. A local design company, Onion Design, has secured a nomination for “Best Recording Package” for their creation of the album cover “Hold That Tiger” by the Muddy Basin Ramblers. The special design featuring local temples’ Taoist charms and iconography gained the organizers’ attention.

▲台灣宮廟民俗美學強勢入圍葛萊美獎最佳專輯包裝設計。| A Taiwan design company, Onion Design, has secured a nomination for “Best Recording Package” for their creation of the album cover “Hold That Tiger”(Onion Design Associates/Behance 洋蔥設計)
▲台灣宮廟民俗美學強勢入圍葛萊美獎最佳專輯包裝設計。| A Taiwan design company, Onion Design, has secured a nomination for “Best Recording Package” for their creation of the album cover “Hold That Tiger”(Onion Design Associates/Behance 洋蔥設計)

其實這不是泥灘地浪人與洋蔥設計合作的專輯第一次入圍葛萊美獎, 2013 年的《寶島賣藥秀》就曾經被提名最佳專輯包裝設計,今年再度入圍,憑藉的同樣是台灣特殊的文化元素與符號。

This isn’t the first nomination for Muddy Basin Rambler and Onion Design. In 2013, the band’s “Formosa Medicine Show” album also bagged a nomination in the same category by showcasing Taiwan’s unique cultural influences and symbols.


Taoist charms and iconography are usually considered “very Taiwanese” — and laced with derogatory connotations. But under Onion Design’s careful craft, the album packaging for “Hold That Tiger” fully displays the beauty and traditional art aestheticism used in local temples. By combining traditional, religious, cultural elements like engravings, Taoist yellow rune papers, lunar calendars, Ziwei natal charts, with modern features like astronaut helmets, 3D glasses, and UFOs, the drawing gives off a transcending and mystical effect.

《擒虎記》的專輯包裝展現了台灣宮廟民俗美學 | The album packaging for “Hold That Tiger” fully displayed the beauty and traditional art aestheticism depicting Taiwan temples. (Onion Design Associates/Behance 洋蔥設計)
《擒虎記》的專輯包裝展現了台灣宮廟民俗美學 | The album packaging for “Hold That Tiger” fully displayed the beauty and traditional art aestheticism depicting Taiwan temples. (Onion Design Associates/Behance 洋蔥設計)

葛萊美獎將於2020 年 1 月 27 日舉行,台灣宮廟民俗美學能否一舉奪下獎項,在國際舞台上發光發熱,大家都很期待。

The Grammys will be held on Jan. 27, 2020. Many people hope to see Taiwan temple aestheticism shine bright on during the ceremony by bringing home the prestigious award.

《擒虎記》的專輯包裝展現了台灣宮廟民俗美學 | The album packaging for “Hold That Tiger” fully displayed the beauty and traditional art aestheticism used in local temples. (Courtesy of Onion Design Associates/Behance 洋蔥設計)
《擒虎記》的專輯包裝展現了台灣宮廟民俗美學 | The album packaging for “Hold That Tiger” fully displayed the beauty and traditional art aestheticism used in local temples. (Courtesy of Onion Design Associates/Behance 洋蔥設計)

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