
<p>Taiwan’s famous beverage chain “Gong Cha” is expected to open its third outlet in Newcastle. (Courtesy of Gong Cha/Instagram)</p>

Taiwan’s famous beverage chain “Gong Cha” is expected to open its third outlet in Newcastle. (Courtesy of Gong Cha/Instagram)

【看CP學英文】近年來,台灣珍奶席捲日本、美國、甚至到歐洲國家,無論大人小孩,不分國籍,都難以抗拒珍奶的魅力。週三,英國媒體Bdaily News 報導,台灣一間珍奶專賣店即將在英國開設第三間分店。

Taiwan’s bubble milk has swept through Japan, the United States, and even European countries in recent years. Children and adults, regardless of nationality, can hardly resist the sweet charm of bubble milk tea.

According to a Bdaily News report published on Wednesday, a Taiwanese bubble tea shop has chosen a northeast city as its third in England for the launch of its newest outlet.


Taiwan’s famous beverage chain “Gong Cha” is expected to open its third outlet in Newcastle, a city in the northeast of England, next month, following Manchester and Liverpool.


Gong Cha reportedly operates 1,400 overseas outlets in 19 countries, including Taiwan, South Korea, New Zealand and the United States.


Taiwan bubble milk tea specialist offers various toppings, whether it’s pearls, jelly, or the signature milk foam, to bring a more sophisticated flavor to the drink.

貢茶英國分部負責人Justin Liew 說道:「打著台灣招牌的珍奶已經席捲全亞洲、大洋洲、以及美國,而我們也非常期待將這美味的飲料介紹給新堡市民,同時也對於進攻新堡市場非常有信心。」

In response to media inquiries, Justin Liew, head of Gong cha England said that: “The bubble tea trend has gripped Asia, Oceania and the US, where it is considered a Taiwanese specialty.

“Now we are excited to introduce it to the city where we are confident the product range will be very well received.”

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