
<p>▲外交部盤列曾報導過台灣防疫經驗的外國媒體。|Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) listed all the praises from the international media in a Facebook post on Tuesday. (圖/翻攝外交部臉書 | Courtesy of Facebook/MOFA Taiwan)</p>

▲外交部盤列曾報導過台灣防疫經驗的外國媒體。|Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) listed all the praises from the international media in a Facebook post on Tuesday. (圖/翻攝外交部臉書 | Courtesy of Facebook/MOFA Taiwan)


Taiwan has received praises worldwide in recent weeks for its containment of the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) listed all the positive comments from global media in a Facebook post on Tuesday.

外交部於官方臉書上發文,指出「台灣防疫經驗,全球媒體都在看」,其表示不論是 17 年前的 SARS ,還是現在延燒全球的武漢肺炎,坦言台灣在防疫這條路上,就像是個「沒有傘的孩子」,只能不斷冒著風雨向前奔走。

MOFA said that “The international media has recognized Taiwan’s epidemic responses,” adding, Taiwan is like “a child with no umbrella” walking in the rain amid both the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak and SARS that struck the world 17 years ago.


Taiwan’s preventative measures to slow the spread of the virus have won praise worldwide, MOFA said. “After giving ourselves applause, we should pull ourselves together and keep going,” the post read.


The countries that have reported on Taiwan’s responses include — the U.S., Canada, Germany, England, France, Switzerland, the Czech Republic, Italy, Spain, Poland, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Netherlands, New Zealand, Japan, South Korea, Thailand, Indonesia, India, Saint Lucia, Chile, Turkey, Qatar and South Africa.

【#台灣防疫經驗 全球媒體都在看 】Taiwan’s efforts to curb the spread of the #WuhanCoronavirus have garnered recognition in headlines…

外交部 Ministry of Foreign Affairs, ROC(Taiwan) 发布于 2020年3月10日周二

其中日本「朝日新聞」、韓國「每日報( Korean Daily )」都曾提到數位政務委員唐鳳,泰國「 Workpoint News 」新聞網更是特別點出唐鳳利用 IT 專業協助台灣防疫。

What’s more? The Asahi Shimbun, Korean Daily and Workpoint News, media from Japan, South Korea and Thailand, respectively, have reported Taiwan’s Digital Minister Audrey Tang’s efforts on containing the virus.

針對台灣防疫表現受到國際媒體讚揚,外交部也表示「我們還是要團結一心,把防疫視同作戰而且奮戰到底。 」

MOFA concluded that Taiwan nationals should keep up the good work and fight the virus until the end.

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