向病毒宣戰! 眾星翻唱超夯歌曲 網友一聽哭了

【看英文中國郵報學英文】瑞士公共廣播電台RTS推出影片,邀請20位歌手翻唱《可可夜總會》主題曲「La Llorona – Angélica Vale, Marco Antonio Solís」,唱出想要對「2019新型冠狀病毒(COVID-19)」說的話,雖然大家關在家隔離,還是能以歌聲凝聚,唱出心裡感受。

A Swiss public broadcasting company, Radio Télévision Suisse (RTS), recently invited 20 singers to sing a parody of “La Llorona” song from the Pixar movie “Coco” in a bid to highlight the importance of maintaining some social distances amid the COVID-19 outbreak.

Although most are currently under quarantine due to the lockdown, the singers still managed to create a song that speaks from the heart and encourages others of the good times to come.


The near 3-minute song sees singers voicing their thoughts in different languages, including French, Italian, Spanish, English, and Chinese, and more.

Highlights include: “You broke us up, Corona, but we shall reunite very soon,” “You are giving us a hard time, Corona, but we won’t let you affect us anymore.” “For all those who take care of us, Corona, let’s send them our love!”


In a funny verse, one of the singers pointed out the stock-piling madness, and sang “Because of you I can’t even wipe my axx anymore, and all that’s left is gluten-free pasta.”


In the end, everyone sings along, “Even if we have to live apart, we shall resist you. Corona, tomorrow will be better.” “Even if life separates us because of you, soon we’ll be able to kiss, hug and meet.”

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