好萊塢男神大讚台灣防疫! 採訪時大驚:怎麼靠這麼近?

<p>Hollywood actor Joseph Gordon-Levitt talking at the Hollywood Walk of Fame Ceremony. (Photo courtesy of Shutterstock)</p>

Hollywood actor Joseph Gordon-Levitt talking at the Hollywood Walk of Fame Ceremony. (Photo courtesy of Shutterstock)

【看CP學英文】好萊塢男神喬瑟夫高登李維(Joseph Gordon-Levitt)與羅德林哥桑特羅(Rodrigo Santoro)近來合演Netflix新片《超能計劃》。兩人日前接受台灣媒體視訊訪問,一見到台灣媒體肩並肩,喬瑟夫高登李維非常驚訝地問道:「你們怎麼可以靠彼此這麼近?」

Hollywood actor Joseph Gordon-Levitt recently expressed shock after seeing Taiwanese reporters sitting together during an online interview for the promotion of his new Netflix thriller “Project Power” with castmate, Rodrigo Santoro.

Upon witnessing their close proximity, Gordon-Levitt exclaimed, “How could you all stay so close to each other?”


During the interview, Gordon-Levitt said that he read reports on how Taiwan has combated the virus and expressed praises at the excellent work.

“Taiwan has successfully found ways to fight the coronavirus, and that was amazing! I’ve read reports on Taiwan’s preventive measures that prevent further spread of the virus by tracking the people with whom the patients came in contact with. It was quite exciting!”


The popular Hollywood star hit pause on his career in 2017 after he became a father. Four years later, Gordon-Levitt returned to the screen, only to come face to face with the COVID-19 pandemic after wrapping up “Project Power.”

The virus thus forced shut the filming of another series Gordon-Levitt was working on. Though he confessed to being a bit disappointed at first, he soon realized how lucky he was and was quoted saying, “I’m lucky because both my family and I are healthy, and we have a place to stay and I’m able to work.”

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