安培淂攝影之眼 戰地孤雛淚

俄烏戰爭,還沒有終點,665萬人逃離烏克蘭,其中半數是兒童。幸運的孩子,還有母親相伴,但也有很多 是在戰火下 淪為失依的孤兒。特派攝影日誌,透過來自 義大利的資深記者「安培淂」的鏡頭,悲心凝視、戰地孤雛淚。





Nested on the hills near Berenzski village we find the former Choven Sanatorium where tuberculosis patients were sent to recover during the soviet days.

Now the old building stands in ruin while a newer one nearby host 153 children and young adults from the Donestk region of east Ukraine. Most of the children come from dysfunctional families and they are in great part orphaned. Some lost the parents during the war.

Their original orphanage was in Slaviansk, a town that was heavily shelled at the beginning of the war that started three months ago.

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