
【看CP學英文】新住民全球新聞網日本新二代鈴木克規獨自一人來台灣留學,就讀師範大學(師大)剛畢業,在其YouTube鈴木的日常 【台灣留學】分享在台灣的生活,他的中文很標準、拍攝的影片很自然、真實。本集「新住民看台灣」單元,介紹鈴木師大唸書,從大學一年級吃到現在推薦必吃的美食。

Second-generation migrant Suzuki Kegui (鈴木克規) has journeyed to Taiwan to complete his studies.

Since graduating from the National Taiwan Normal University (NTNU, 國立臺灣師範大學), Kegui has shared numerous videos about his daily life in Taiwan through his YouTube Channel Suzuki’s Daily Life [Taiwan Study Abroad].

Speaking in fluent Mandarin, Kegui often creates natural and realistic videos.

In this episode of “New Immigrants in Taiwan,” Suzuki shares his student life at the NTNU, from his first year in university until now. He also recommended his “must-eat foods.”

延伸閱讀:瑞典YouTuber介紹台灣新聞 讚台灣防疫

Read More: Canadian YouTuber Wes Davies makes a film admiring Taiwan’s new sustainable agricultural technology

鈴木的美食名單 | Suzuki’s Must-Eat List:


Sun Moon Lake Black Tea — NTNU Shop: This is a famous beverage shop near the National Taiwan Normal University where there are always people waiting in the line.

Suzuki especially likes the delicious Yakult green tea, which has a refreshing taste and is perfect as a summer drink.


Energy Rice Roll — Shida Main Store: In the video, Suzuki ordered a tuna rice roll and exclaimed that it was “super delicious.”

The Taiwanese rice roll is made of glutinous rice with pickled vegetables, fried dough sticks, corn, tuna, and other ingredients.

Suzuki said that there is no similar rice rolls in Japan that is cheap and with that many ingredients inside.


Shine Mood Waffles: If someone were to ask Suzuki to recommend dessert shops around NTNU, this waffle house would be the first choice.

Suzuki ordered the chocolate banana pancakes, and they were so delicious that he demolished them in seconds.


Hsu-Ji Shengjian bao: The meat filling inside the shengjian bao is already seasoned, and is delicious even without adding soy sauce.

The outer skin is fried until crispy, and sesame seeds are sprinkled to top it off, leading Suzuki to praise its taste and deliciousness.


Lantern Soy Sauce Braised Food — first store: Taiwan’s braised dishes, also known as “lu wei” (滷味) have a strong and special taste.

All the ingredients absorb the broth and sauce, earning Suzuki’s love for it.


Hohomei pineapple buns: Suzuki has been studying at the NTNU for a long time and explained that it’s actually his first time eating this dessert.

The fresh bread, which is hand-baked by a Hong Kong chef, has a special cold cream stuffed inside it which made it taste incredible, Suzuki said.

“Why is it so delicious? How come I only just discovered it now?”

Suzuki recommends this snack for first-timers at Shida Night Market.

延伸閱讀:便當店員工超強應變能力 在台日本作家大讚 日本人永遠學不會

Read More: Swedish YouTube praises Taiwan for handling the COVID-19 epidemic


本文獲【新住民全球新聞網】授權轉載/徐如奕 and Raymond Rodriguez

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