影/印尼肢障者獲NGO免費贈義肢 他感動:希望不會再被小看

在印尼有三百多萬名肢障者,患者獲取義肢卻十分不容易,品質也參差不齊。為了解決這項問題,印尼非營利組織 YPTD 製作並提供符合患者腿型的義肢,以期讓他們在這個才剛開始討論身障權益的國家過上更好的生活。

With over three million differently-abled people living in Indonesia, one might be surprised at how hard it is to access quality prosthetic limbs.

Bent on solving this problem, a nonprofit organization, YPTD (Yayasan Peduli Tuna Daksa), has been producing and providing prosthetic limbs to those in need, hoping to improve their lives in a country where people are just starting to openly discuss disabilities rights.

自從 2007 年開始,非營利組織YPTD就在全國為經濟有困難的肢障者提供專為他們腿型設計的免費義肢,目前已經有1萬4千人受惠。

Since 2007, YPTD has been providing financially challenged recipients throughout the country with free prosthetic limbs designed specifically for them, benefiting 14,000 people thus far.

「在製作這些義肢時,我們必須格外留意這些義肢是做給誰的,以及他們每天會進行的活動,因為每位肢障者的腿型都非常不同」,組織負責人薩伊德(Muhammad Said)表示。

“When making prosthetic limbs, we have to pay attention to who we’re making the prosthetics for and what they do every day because people’s legs come in different shapes,” said the Head of YPTD Muhammad Said.


In Indonesia, Prosthetic limbs tend to either be unaffordable or produced by well-meaning local craftsmen with no background in prosthetics. Since it isn’t easy to get new ones, YPTD tries to optimize the prosthetic limbs by creating bespoke ones.

天生就腿部發育不全的 Aten 分享道,患有肢障對他的社交生活的影響。他說:「每次朋友要約出門時,總會問我要不要加入他們,但表情卻面有難色。因此我多數時候會選擇獨自一人」。

Born with an underdeveloped limb, Aten shares how the disability affects his social life.

“Whenever I hang out with my friends, they ask me to join them, but their expression conveys otherwise. So I’d just be by myself most of the time, hang out by myself.”


Now getting his first prosthetic limb from YPTD, Aten hopes to show people his capabilities, so that they don’t look down on him.

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