影/泰籍學生讚台灣獎學金補助 為鼓勵同鄉來台開啟網紅生涯

【看CP學英文】世界各地的人經常為了讀書、旅遊或工作等原因前往台灣。The China Post近期採訪了一位來自泰國,目前正於國立臺北科技大學就讀企業管理碩士學位的留學生Saran。

Taiwan has attracted people from all walks of life, whether for studies, travel, or work.

The China Post recently met a student from Thailand — Saran. He is currently studying for his MBA degree at the National Taipei University of Technology (國立臺北科技大學).


Having just been in Taiwan a little over a year, Saran has been learning Chinese while making numerous videos introducing Thai friends to the wonders of Taiwan.

Saran告訴The China Post一開始的啟發來自於發現申請台灣大學的獎學金有多麼地容易。

He explained that he was inspired after finding out how simple it was to apply for scholarships at Taiwanese universities.

Saran traveled from Thailand to Taiwan for education purposes and made many friends during his stay here. (Photos courtesy of Saran)
Saran traveled from Thailand to Taiwan for education purposes and made many friends during his stay here. (Photos courtesy of Saran)


He decided to help others who wanted to study abroad, patiently explaining and providing detailed steps to apply.


Saran wants to let others know: “If I can come here, then you can come here.”


The topics of his videos range from travels in Taiwan to explaining more in-depth details on how to get scholarships as a foreigner and how to live in Taiwan.


As an avid traveler here, Saran had difficulty choosing which of the various places he visited were his favorites.

Saran is an avid traveler and especially loves the mountains in Taiwan. (Photos courtesy of Saran)
Saran is an avid traveler and especially loves the mountains in Taiwan. (Photos courtesy of Saran)


Ultimately, he decided on the Waiao Beach in Yilan and the Teapot Mountain Trail in New Taipei City as his favorite spots because he felt the Taiwanese successfully preserved the beauty of nature.


He added that there were few people when he visited, which made it seem like an exclusive and private hiking trip.


Saran also stressed that he liked it most because it’s incredibly convenient to travel from one location to another in Taiwan as public transportation can reach most places.


When asked what the biggest culture shock he experienced when he first came to Taiwan was, Saran immediately replied, “burping.”

Saran finds it very safe to be in Taiwan during the pandemic and loves his classes and the people here. (Photos courtesy of Taiwan)
Saran finds it very safe to be in Taiwan during the pandemic and loves his classes and the people here. (Photos courtesy of Taiwan)


“When I came to Taiwan, everyone kept burping in public places, and no one mentioned anything[…] If my friends or I burp, no one says anything […] it’s so lovely,” Saran said with a smile.


He added that if he were to do something like that back in Thailand, his mother would definitely tell him off.


Regarding the COVID-19 situation in Taiwan, Saran said he thinks the Taiwanese government has handled it pretty well so far compared to Thailand, adding that he was able to get an AstraZeneca jab as a foreign student while there are only Sinovac vaccines available back home.


Though Saran loves his life in Taiwan, he hoped that the renting fees could be lower. He pointed out that when he first planned to come to Taiwan, many people warned him of the high prices but didn’t realize just how high it was until he arrived.


However, he did acknowledge later that he knows it’s not an easy change.


Despite this, Saran encouraged everyone to come to Taiwan for either “the people, the food or the place.”


In the end, Saran also used his native language to call on Thai friends to visit Taiwan.


He emphasized that everyone is so lovely here and called on all international students to come for the scholarships and use the two or four years in Taiwan to get to know the beautiful island.

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