

As traditional ways of life succumb to promising technological advances, many are left disheartened from the waves of mechanical isolation. In particular, the medium of authentic storytelling in early childhood education is being replaced with virtual means.

2010年在印尼成立的彩虹故事屋(Rainbow House of Storytelling)就致力於保存為孩子朗讀圖書、分享故事的傳統。

Founded in 2010, Rumah Dongeng Pelangi or “Rainbow House of Storytelling” is committed to preserving the culture of reading and sharing stories with kids in Indonesia.


Growing up, reading fairy tales and listening to bedtime stories are essential bonding experiences for children as they transition into kindergarten and primary school.

However, with the convenience of technology, parents have relegated the role of storytelling to the Internet.


While the web is a reliable medium to connect parents working abroad with their children at home, it has gradually begun to replace a favorite childhood pastime.


Recently, the Rainbow House of Storytelling has tried to encourage parents through workshops to start reading to their children using physical books instead of digital ones.

彩虹故事屋的創辦人 Emanuella Milla 相信:「透過閱讀給孩子聽,父母和孩子會建立一種情感上的關係,因為當我們閱讀實體書時,孩子不會坐在遠處面對父母,而會自然地靠在身旁」。她表示,「這是一個親密的時刻,他們會感到父母的愛,透過肢體接觸也有助於形成有意義的互動」。

As the founder of Rainbow House, Emanuella Milla insightfully shares, “by reading books to their children, parents form an emotional connection with the child. When we read stories, children will not be facing their parents from a distance, naturally, they will be right next to each other”.

“It is an intimate moment, they will feel that their parents love them, through physical contact and meaningful interactions,” she said.


Further, the organization collaborated with Fatmawati Hospital in Jakarta to look into the correlation between parental storytelling and early childhood development.

Their research showed an increase in vocabulary and self-esteem in kids who were exposed to the culture of storytelling.


The Rainbow House of Storytelling is now pushing for a storytelling-oriented early childhood education that allows children to foster a love for learning at a young age.

She said: “I don’t want the act of children’s storytelling to be left behind. I want it to be a lifestyle practiced by everyone.”

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