
<p>武漢肺炎疫情延燒,民眾戴口罩保護,然而,戴口罩時眼鏡片卻容易起霧。|What can you do when spectacle lenses mist up while wearing a face mask?(NOWnews)</p>

武漢肺炎疫情延燒,民眾戴口罩保護,然而,戴口罩時眼鏡片卻容易起霧。|What can you do when spectacle lenses mist up while wearing a face mask?(NOWnews)


Wearing glasses is already quite cumbersome, and if things couldn’t get any worse, your glasses may start to fog up and make seeing more challenging when wearing a face mask.

英國貝德福德醫院(Bedford Hospital)醫師Sheraz Shafi Malik和英國之心(HEFT)醫師Shahbaz Shafi Malik在《英國皇家外科醫學院年報》(Ann R Coll Surg Engl.)刊登的文章指出,用肥皂水改變水滴張力,可解決鏡片起霧問題。

In an article published on “Annals of The Royal College of Surgeons of England,” however, two doctors, Sheraz Shafi Malik and Shahbaz Shafi Malik, from Bedford Hospital and HEFT respectively, unveiled that soapy water could solve the problem of glasses fogging up.


Before wearing your face mask, wash your spectacles with soapy water and shake off the excess water. Then, let the glasses air dry or wipe them with soft tissues. Your glasses shouldn’t be fogging up anymore, according to the article.


Why? The doctors said that a face mask directs much of the exhaled air upwards where it gets into contact with the lenses. Condensation occurs on glass lenses when water vapor — from your breath — gets into contact with on a cold surface, forming a film you see as fog.


According to the article, soapy water reduces the surface tension so water would spread out evenly. As a result, your eyeglasses shouldn’t be fogging up when wearing a face mask.

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