新冠肺炎一天增3死 指揮中心曝光患者病況

<p>Chief Commander Chen Shih-chung reports 3 COVID-19 deaths at a press conference on March 30, 2020. (Photo courtesy of the CECC)</p>

Chief Commander Chen Shih-chung reports 3 COVID-19 deaths at a press conference on March 30, 2020. (Photo courtesy of the CECC)


The Central Epidemic Command Center reported 3 deaths amid the COVID-19 pandemic at a press conference on Monday, bringing the total to 5 in Taiwan.


According to the CECC, the deaths were cases 34, 108 and 170.

Case 108 was a tour guide who was slightly overweight making him more vulnerable to respiratory symptoms.

He began breathing heavily on March 25 and he was reported to have acute pneumonia. He passed away last night, the CECC added.


In addition, health authorities announced that case 34 had heart problems prior to becoming infected. Though doctors gave it their all, the infection was too severe and case 34 died of heart failure.


Case 170 was a tourist who had gone to Spain. He was reported to be a cancer survivor.

When hospitalized, case 170 had pneumonia and the condition began to worsen soon after.

The CECC reports that case 170 died yesterday of multiple organ failure.

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