新聞美語即時通 pathogen 病原體,病因

今天我們要學的詞是 pathogen. Pathogen is spelled P-A-T-H-O-G-E-N, pathogen.

pathogen 的意思是病原體,病因。 With new studies indicating that the world population can expect about five new animal-borne pathogens to infect humanity each year, there is an urgency to curb the wildlife trade. 新的研究表明,全球範圍內每年可能有大約五種新的動物傳播病原體感染人類,因此限制野生動物交易迫在眉睫。

Researchers who model the spread of pathogens say social distancing works because it reduces the effective strength of links between individuals, and t hat ultimately lowers the rate of transmission. 構築病原體傳播模型的研究人員說,保持社交距離是有效的,因為它削弱了人與之間聯繫的強度而最終降低了傳播速度。

好的,我們今天學習的詞是 pathogen, pathogen, pathogen ...
