日少年成人星探竟找「她」 驚人結局嚇傻眾人

<p>日本一名17歲少年皮條客平時遊蕩於福岡市博多區尋找願意加入性產業的女性,不料近日一如往常地在街上拉人,好巧不巧竟鎖定到一名臥底女警,當下立刻遭到逮補。|A 17-year-old Japanese teen pimp who usually scours the streets of Fukuoka’s Hakata district for potential sex workers recently made the mistake of trying to accost an undercover policewoman, which resulted in his immediate arrest.(Shutterstock)</p>

日本一名17歲少年皮條客平時遊蕩於福岡市博多區尋找願意加入性產業的女性,不料近日一如往常地在街上拉人,好巧不巧竟鎖定到一名臥底女警,當下立刻遭到逮補。|A 17-year-old Japanese teen pimp who usually scours the streets of Fukuoka’s Hakata district for potential sex workers recently made the mistake of trying to accost an undercover policewoman, which resulted in his immediate arrest.(Shutterstock)


A 17-year-old Japanese teen pimp, who usually scours the streets of Fukuoka’s Hakata District searching for potential sex workers, recently tried to accost an undercover policewoman, resulting in his immediate arrest.


According to local Japanese media, the teenager approached the policewoman and told her they could make sex videos to earn extra cash during the COVID-19 pandemic.


The teen was quoted as saying: “There are women who are short of cash at the moment because of the coronavirus crisis,” he said. “So I figured I would do her a favor and offer her work in the sex industry or in adult videos.”


The teenager later admitted that he was in charge of finding new blood for the company he worked at, the Nishi Nippon Shimbun reported.


He revealed that he usually looks for targets around the city’s nightlife district, and tells to women who fit his profile: “My company handles everything from hostess bars to adult videos. Would you like to work for us?”

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