日本創意廣告無極限! 最新「電影小偷」系列引轟動

【看CP學英文】為杜絕戲院盜錄行為,日本「NO MORE電影小偷」(NO MORE 映画泥棒)廣告知名角色「攝影機男」與「巡邏燈男」再次重回江湖,第五版全新廣告於7月17日在日本戲院上映,一推出即造成轟動。

Japan’s anti-piracy ads “No More Movie Thief” (NO MORE Eiga Dorobo) became an Internet sensation last week. The characters of “Camera Man” and “Patrol Lamp Man” are back in action. The fifth version of the commercial, produced by “Let’s Go to the Movie Theater Committee” was released in theaters across Japan on July 17.


The committee has been producing anti-theft advertisements since 2007 and the fourth version was launched in 2014. Fans had been waiting for the fifth version for six years and the latest one was finally released this summer.

今年最新影片於7月16日公佈,「NO MORE電影小偷」推特官方帳號轉推後,截至發稿日期,影片在推特累積超過280萬觀看人次。

The video, which was released on July 16 by the official “NO MORE Eiga Dorobo Camera Man” account, has amassed over 2.8 million views on Twitter as of press time.


“No More Movie Thief” series of mime commercials is a 30-second long commercial that features a man in a suit with a video camera on his head in a movie theater, followed by a cat-and-mouse chase with a man with patrol light on his head.

The video always ends with the arrest of the cameraman and a warning to the audiences.


The warning reads that people should not steal movies or record in movie theaters, which are punishable by law with imprisonment of up to 10 years or a fine of up to 10 million yen (US$93,000).

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