日本站名改「柯南」秒出事 網友嚇:黑衣人出沒?

<p>A train station<br />
 in Japan was renamed “Conan” to promote its latest movie, only to immediately report train delays. (Photo courtesy of @kyosuke7777/Twitter)</p>

A train station
in Japan was renamed “Conan” to promote its latest movie, only to immediately report train delays. (Photo courtesy of @kyosuke7777/Twitter)


With the release of popular Japanese anime “Detective Conan: The Scarlet Bullet on April 16, the Aichi Prefecture in Japan decided to change one of its station’s names to “Conan Station” to promote the new movie.

Following the name change, however, a train was suddenly delayed, leading many social media users to speculate that renaming the station may bring about bad luck.


According to foreign media reports, since part of the storyline takes place in Aichi and the station name of the Nagoya Railway (Meitetsu) Inuyama Line is only one letter short of “CONAN,” so officials in Aichi have decided to temporarily rename the station from April 16 to June 30.


Nonetheless, the newly re-named station immediately reported discovering obstacles on the tracks leading to delayed trains, which left many wondering whether taking the bus or taxi would be safer.


Some also pointed out that as wherever Conan appears, a murder soon follows, a train station may need to rethink whether branding it “Conan” would bring about bad luck.


Social media users from Taiwan also joined the discussions online, with some poking fun at the name change, questioning, “Will there be a man dressed all in black on the train?”

Others also referred to previous episodes of the popular anime, asking if the train will explode if it travels under 60 kilometers per hour.


The Conan Station is now equipped with a variety of Detective Conan-related devices, while various commodities are also sold in the station, in the hopes that it will gain more publicity and attract more fans.

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