
<p>寒溪呢森林人文叡地 | Hanshini Forest Recreation Area  (Courtesy of Hanshini Forest Recreation Area/Taipei Walker)</p>

寒溪呢森林人文叡地 | Hanshini Forest Recreation Area (Courtesy of Hanshini Forest Recreation Area/Taipei Walker)

Taipei Walker報導,位在嘉義東邊的阿里山,是由大塔山、石水山、兜山等18座山峰構成,而阿里山又因伐木業以及森林鐵道的開發,自日治時期即是高山旅遊的熱門場所。每年春節,阿里山櫻花盛放,是南部熱門賞花景點之一,不妨趁著春假去山林裡走春踏青吧!

Alishan, located on the east side of Chiayi, comprises 18 peaks including Mount Daito, Mount Shishui and Mount Dou.

Due to the development of the forestry industry and railway, Alishan has been a popular tourism spot since the Japanese rule era.

Every spring, Alishan cherry trees are in full bloom, so why not visit the gem in southern Taiwan during the Chinese New Year’s holiday.

海鼠山1314 觀景台 | 1314 Lookout (Courtesy of <span>Taipei Walker</span>)
海鼠山1314 觀景台 | 1314 Lookout (Courtesy of Taipei Walker)
寒溪呢森林人文叡地 | Hanshini Forest Recreation Area


Many years ago, a group of monks came to Meishan Township in Alishan and entered the old-growth forest, cultivating a sacred place with beautiful scenery and a solemn atmosphere.

They named the place “Hanshini.”

寒溪呢森林人文叡地 | Hanshini Forest Recreation Area (Courtesy of Hanshini Forest Recreation Area/Taipei Walker)
寒溪呢森林人文叡地 | Hanshini Forest Recreation Area (Courtesy of Hanshini Forest Recreation Area/Taipei Walker)


Every year, during the spring season, cherry blossoms bloom like snow and often attract many people to go up to the mountain.

Also, visitors would hang an amulet on the 1,166-meter-high Mount Meng to pray for a better year.

寒溪呢森林人文叡地 | Hanshini Forest Recreation Area (Courtesy of Hanshini Forest Recreation Area/Taipei Walker)
寒溪呢森林人文叡地 | Hanshini Forest Recreation Area (Courtesy of Hanshini Forest Recreation Area/Taipei Walker)

寒溪呢森林人文叡地 | Hanshini Forest Recreation Area
How to get there? 嘉義縣梅山鄉太和村社後坪2 附11 號 | No. 11, Shehouping, Meishan Township, Chiayi County 603, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
開放時間 | 08:00~17:00 | Opening time: 8 a.m.- 5 p.m.

海鼠山1314 觀景台 | 1314 Lookout


Located in Ruifeng Village, Haishu Mount, standing at 1,314 meters above sea level, is famous for its endless tea fields.

At an altitude of 1,314 meters above sea level, the lookout is named “1314” which sounds like “will love you till the end of my life” in Chinese.

Therefore, the attraction has become a popular #Instaworthy spot in Mount. Cha.

海鼠山1314 觀景台 | 1314 Lookout (Courtesy of Taipei Walker)
海鼠山1314 觀景台 | 1314 Lookout (Courtesy of Taipei Walker)
海鼠山1314 觀景台 | 1314 Lookout (Courtesy of Taipei Walker)
海鼠山1314 觀景台 | 1314 Lookout (Courtesy of Taipei Walker)

海鼠山1314 觀景台 | 1314 Lookout
How to get there? | 嘉義縣梅山鄉 603, Chiayi County, Meishan Township

海鼠山1314 觀景台 | 1314 Lookout (Courtesy of Taipei Walker)
海鼠山1314 觀景台 | 1314 Lookout (Courtesy of Taipei Walker)
太興岩步道 | Taixingyan Trail


Taixingyan Trail, located in Meishan Township, is one of the most popular travel destinations in Chiayi. The wooden trail, standing at 850 meters above sea level, is 650 meters in length, with large green tea plantations on both sides along the trail.

Walking through the tea plantation and the dense woods with your loved one will bring about a feeling of serenity and peace to accompany you on this romantic trip.

太興岩步道 | Taixingyan Trail (Courtesy of Taipei Walker)
太興岩步道 | Taixingyan Trail (Courtesy of Taipei Walker)


In addition, there is an observation deck near the entrance of the Taixingyan Trail where you can see the wooden trail extend into the mountains. This will definitely be a nice photo-op for lovebirds.

太興岩景觀茶園步道 | Taixingyan Trail
How to get there? 嘉義縣梅山鄉166縣道67.7K處 |67.7K, 166 County road, Meishan Township, Chiayi County 603, Taiwan

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