最帥「防疫少年團」沒有偶像包袱! 站在疫情第一線守護臺灣

<p>巡署於5日在臉書「海巡署長室」Coast Guard貼出「防疫少年團」動漫圖<br />
|Coast Guard Administration (CGA), Ocean Affairs Council, shared an image in a Facebook post featuring Taiwan’s BTS (Courtesy of Facebook/@CGA4U)</p>

巡署於5日在臉書「海巡署長室」Coast Guard貼出「防疫少年團」動漫圖
|Coast Guard Administration (CGA), Ocean Affairs Council, shared an image in a Facebook post featuring Taiwan’s BTS (Courtesy of Facebook/@CGA4U)

【看英文中國郵報學英文】海巡署於5日在臉書「海巡署長室」Coast Guard貼出「防疫少年團」動漫圖,分享臺灣在疫情肆虐之際,如何成功減緩疫情擴散,預防、應變能力已超越國際水準,PO文一出即吸引2萬多名網友按讚、3,535次分享。

The Ocean Affairs Council under the Coast Guard Administration (CGA) recently posted to Facebook a drawing of Taiwan’s “BTS” — “Be The Stand By” — standing for the seven administrations who are fighting the novel coronavirus (COVID-19).

Along with the image, a representative of the Ocean Affairs Council stressed how Taiwan has successfully slowed and prevented the spread of the virus, even surpassing global standards on virus prevention.

The post has drawn more than 20,000 likes and 3,535 shares on Facebook as of press time.


Like its K-pop counterpart, Taiwan’s BTS has seven members — the Taiwan Centers for Disease Control, the National Immigration Agency, the National Police Agency, the CGA, Taiwan’s medical professionals, Customs Administration and the Ministry of Health and Welfare.


“We are BTS from Taiwan. Although we aren’t as handsome as our idols, or sing and dance as well as BTS from Korea, we have more confidence than anyone in protecting Taiwan amid the virus outbreak,” CGA said.


As the epidemic unfolded, the international considered that Taiwan would be the second hardest-hit country. Two months later, however, it turned out that Taiwan’s epidemic response and prevention have surpassed the international standards with less confirmed cases than countries in other developed countries, according to the post.


Why? CGA said, as soon as mainland China confirmed its first cases, Taiwan put its efforts into various aspects — border control, regulation on protective gear, virus prevention campaign, tracking of nationals who are at high risk of infection, fight against misinformation.


The post concluded that Taiwan’s BTS is determined to do all they can to protect their beloved ones no matter how hard it is. “Please root for Taiwan’s BTS!” it reads.

阿尼唷哈say喲,我們是來自台灣的「防疫少年團」! 雖然沒有真正的偶像臉孔、歌喉或是精湛舞技,但我們比誰都更有信心,在「武漢肺炎」來襲時守護台灣。 疫情肆虐之際,臺灣曾一度被認為會是「嚴重度第二高」的國家。但事後對比其他確診案例瘋狂…

海巡署長室 Coast Guard 发布于 2020年3月4日周三

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