柴柴不知被「隔空撫摸」 可愛討拍模樣萌翻網友

<p>A Shiba Inu from Japan won the internet’s heart with its dopey grin as its owner gave it “air pats.” (Photo courtesy of SHIBA DOG RANMARU/YouTube)</p>

A Shiba Inu from Japan won the internet’s heart with its dopey grin as its owner gave it “air pats.” (Photo courtesy of SHIBA DOG RANMARU/YouTube)


Dogs are man’s best friend, and while some dogs are perfectly fine letting their owner pamper and pet them of their own accord, others take it one step further and attach themselves closely to their owners, sometimes just for one more pet or scratch.


Sometimes, merely pretending to pet them can satisfy them too. A Japanese dog owner recently illustrated this fact by posting a funny video on YouTube about pretending to pet their dog, Ranmaru.


Even though the dog cannot physically feel its owner’s pats, it still fanned out its ears and happily enjoyed the “air pats.”

Its silly appearance also drew enthusiastic responses from social media users.


The video, aptly called, “petting Shiba with oxygen” sees the owner merely pretending to pet Ranmaru.

However, the dog didn’t seem to notice the difference at first and continued to latch on to its owner, in a bid to get more “pats” from them.

It was only after the owner had petted the air for a few seconds that Ranmaru realized its owner had not given any pats.

Nonetheless, he continued sitting nicely, waiting for its owner to pet it. Ultimately, its patience won the hearts of social media users and its owner, who finally caved and gave it many pats on the head.


After the video was uploaded, the dog’s cute and adorable performance led online users to comment: “To live with such a cute creature is really enviable!”

Others said that even after watching the video numerous times, they still find it adorable.

Some also vowed to try this at home with their own pets, while others praised dogs as the most pure-hearted animals.

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