沒砸台灣第一帥招牌 王陽明16歲照萬人氣暈:帥到沒朋友

<p>王陽明分享21年前青澀照,被「虧帥到沒朋友」。|Taiwanese-American actor Sunny Wang posted to social media on Tuesday with two photos of him at the age of 16, receiving praise from his fans. (圖/王陽明臉書|Courtesy of Sunny Wang/Facebook)</p>

王陽明分享21年前青澀照,被「虧帥到沒朋友」。|Taiwanese-American actor Sunny Wang posted to social media on Tuesday with two photos of him at the age of 16, receiving praise from his fans. (圖/王陽明臉書|Courtesy of Sunny Wang/Facebook)


Taiwanese-American actor Sunny Wang posted two photos of him at the age of 16 to social media on Tuesday, receiving praise from fans.


“To be cool, I remember then we wore gold necklaces under our jerseys,” the caption read alongside the photos of himself wearing jersey standing among his American football teammates in high school.

王陽明曝光2張年輕時打美式足球的舊照|The photos show Wang at the age of 16 wearing jersey standing among his American football teammates in high school. Courtesy of Sunny Wang/Facebook)
王陽明曝光2張年輕時打美式足球的舊照|The photos show Wang at the age of 16 wearing jersey standing among his American football teammates in high school. Courtesy of Sunny Wang/Facebook)


In response to the photos, many said that the 37-year-old model is good-looking and still in good shape, while another said with a smile: “He is too hot to handle.”

Some said that when he was young, he looked like Richard Sun (孫國豪) or Ray Chang (張睿家) while others were surprised by Wang’s immaculate arms, which were not tattooed at the time.

王陽明曝光2張年輕時打美式足球的舊照|The photos show Wang at the age of 16 wearing jersey standing among his American football teammates in high school. Courtesy of Sunny Wang/Facebook)
王陽明曝光2張年輕時打美式足球的舊照|The photos show Wang at the age of 16 wearing jersey standing among his American football teammates in high school. Courtesy of Sunny Wang/Facebook)

王陽明與老婆蔡詩芸結婚5年,去年底迎來愛女「Katiya Sky Wang」,2人樂得當新手爸媽。

Wang and his wife, Dominique Choy, have been married for five years. They welcomed their daughter, Katiya Sky Wang, at the end of last year.


With his handsome face and fit body, Wang, who is known as “Taiwan’s No.1 Handsome Man,” has taken part in films such as “In Time with You” (我可能不會愛你) and “Gatao” (角頭).

王陽明|Sunny Wang (Courtesy of Sunny Wang/Facebook)
王陽明|Sunny Wang (Courtesy of Sunny Wang/Facebook)

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