
【看CP學英文】旅行能夠激發一個人生命的靈感,從汲取的靈感中,轉換成影像、圖像形式,留存記憶,同時也讓更多人可以從不同的角度了解他國文化,也了解自己。德國攝影師 Marcin Zabinski透過影像紀錄台灣首都「台北」,從天氣、美食、文化到交通,配上攝影師自己的聲音,從「背包客」旅行者角度,呈現出台北市有趣的各大面向。

Travel can inspire a person’s life change. The inspiration can be transformed into images and videos to preserve memories, and at the same time, allow more people to learn about other cultures and themselves from a different perspective.

Marcin Zabinski, a German photographer, has documented Taiwan’s capital, Taipei, through images ranging from weather, food and culture to transportation, with the photographer’s own voice, presenting the interesting aspects of Taipei from the perspective of a backpacker.

「對台灣的第一印象是人們很友善,一切事物都好,」 Marcin接受The China Post訪問時說道。

“My first impression on Taiwan was the polite people and how everything is working just well,” Zabinski told The China Post.

Marcin Zabinski had been to Taiwan four times. (Courtesy of Marcin Zabinski)
Marcin Zabinski had been to Taiwan four times. (Courtesy of Marcin Zabinski)


Having traveled to more than 50 countries, he believes that traveling and constantly educating ourselves makes this world a better place for tolerance and collaboration as well as increasing awareness of environmental issues.


For Zabinski, his passion is to make the most authentic, emotional videos and photos that inspire people to feel like they “wanna go for it.”

Zabinski’s passion is to make the most authentic, emotional videos and photos that inspire people to feel like they “wanna go for it.” (Courtesy of Marcin Zabinski)
Zabinski’s passion is to make the most authentic, emotional videos and photos that inspire people to feel like they “wanna go for it.” (Courtesy of Marcin Zabinski)

Marcin 透露,他一共來過台灣四次,初次來台是2017年,那時的他從來沒想過會就此愛上這個美麗、擁有多元文化的小島。

Zabinski said that he has been to Taiwan four times, his first visit was in 2017, and at that time, he never expected to fall in love with this beautiful, culturally diverse land.


Speaking about the Taipei documentary, Zabinski said: “I wanted to create something more meaningful.”

“My goal is to show locals new perspectives of their city and also inspire people from all around the world to visit this unique place.”

Zabinski has done a lot of research to understand the characteristics of Taiwan. (Courtesy of Marcin Zabinski)
Zabinski has done a lot of research to understand the characteristics of Taiwan. (Courtesy of Marcin Zabinski)


Asked about the reasons he chose the capital city as the main focus of his documentry, he explained that Taipei is the place where he has spent the most time in Taiwan.

“I love the natural surroundings which are basically within one hour drive to reach.”

為了完整呈現台北多個面向, Marcin事前做了許多功課,深入了解台灣的特點;此外,他談道,製作過程中對他來說最大的挑戰莫過於加上旁白。

To present Taipei’s facets, Zabinski has done a lot of research to understand the characteristics of Taiwan.

Also, he said that the biggest challenge for him during the production was the voiceover.

Zabinski has done a lot of research to understand the characteristics of Taiwan. (Courtesy of Marcin Zabinski)
Zabinski has done a lot of research to understand the characteristics of Taiwan. (Courtesy of Marcin Zabinski)


“It is strange to hear myself and also my English is not very perfect, he said. However, many of his friends advised him to do so because the narration would make the film “authentic and personal.”

旅行至世界各國的 Marcin坦言:「台灣就觀光而言,絕對是被大大低估的國家。」而最後,他也呼籲尚未到過台灣的旅人,一定要在台灣留長一點的時間,深入探索,像是花蓮太魯閣的鬼斧神工、阿里山的茶都值得旅人嘗試體驗。

Among all of the countries that Zabinski has been to, “Taiwan is definitely a very underrated country in terms of tourism.”

He also recommended travelers who have not yet been to Taiwan to stay longer and explore deeper. The breathtaking nature of Taroko in Hualien and the tea of Alishan are worth trying, he remarked.

「別忘了帶上國際駕照,」 Marcin微笑著說,「還有一定要去夜市品嘗餃子。」

Zabinski ended by suggesting: “Don’t forget to bring your international driver’s license and make sure to visit a night market and try out dumplings.”

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