確定了!高鐵清明連假不賣「自由座」 5日凌晨開放購票

<p>Taiwan High Speed Rail (THSR) will stop selling the non-reserved seat tickets for all trains during Qingming Festival(NOWnews)</p>

Taiwan High Speed Rail (THSR) will stop selling the non-reserved seat tickets for all trains during Qingming Festival(NOWnews)

【看英文中國郵報學英文】受到武漢肺炎疫情影響,台灣高鐵今(3 )日宣布,4 月1 日至6 日清明假期疏運,將不販售自由座車票,所有車次一律實施全車對號座。

Taiwan High Speed Rail (THSR) will stop selling tickets for non-reserved seats for all trains during the Qingming Festival, also called Tomb Sweeping Festival, to prevent the spread of the novel coronavirus.

Passengers can only buy reserved seats that have a designated train and seat number from April 1 to 6, THSR announced on Tuesday.

此外,高鐵也暫停定期票、回數票、悠遊卡/一卡通聯名卡的使用,以降低感染風險,清明假期疏運自3 月5 日凌晨零時起開放預售。

In addition, THSR deals — periodic ticket, multi-ride ticket, EASYCARD and iPASS Co-branded Credit Cards — are not allowed during the holiday, according to THSR.

The reserved tickets will go on sale on March 5 at 12 a.m.

台灣高鐵表示,清明假期疏運規畫加開184 班次列車(南下79 班、北上105 班),總計6 天提供1,050 班次列車、103 萬8450 個座位的旅運服務;旅客可自3 月5 日凌晨零時起開放預售。

THSR will allocate 184 additional trains (79 for southbound, 105 for northbound), meaning that there will be 1,050 trains in total to ease traffic from April 1 to 6.


Accordingly, non-reserved train tickets are canceled to prevent the spread of the virus among passengers in overcrowded carriages.

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