
<p>十三行博物館與國立歷史博物館共同推出「飲酒Bar─亞洲酒文化特展」。|New Taipei Shihsanhang Museum of Archaeology and National Museum of history jointly launch “Special Exhibition of Asian Drinking Cultures.” (Courtesy of Shihsanhang Museum of Archaeology)</p>

十三行博物館與國立歷史博物館共同推出「飲酒Bar─亞洲酒文化特展」。|New Taipei Shihsanhang Museum of Archaeology and National Museum of history jointly launch “Special Exhibition of Asian Drinking Cultures.” (Courtesy of Shihsanhang Museum of Archaeology)


Alcohol brewed with fermented grains and fruit is not something new. Such drinks have existed in various societies for a long time, yet each community has had its onw set of beliefs and values about drinking.


In Chinese culture, for instance, alcohol has played an important role and become a valuable asset. The meaning of Chinese alcohol culture is deeply associated with aspects, such as the myths and legends, literature, festivals and cultural exchanges.

十三行博物館與國立歷史博物館共同推出「飲酒Bar─亞洲酒文化特展」。|New Taipei Shihsanhang Museum of Archaeology and National Museum of history jointly launch “Special Exhibition of Asian Drinking Cultures.” (Courtesy of <span>Shihsanhang Museum of Archaeology</span>)
十三行博物館與國立歷史博物館共同推出「飲酒Bar─亞洲酒文化特展」。|New Taipei Shihsanhang Museum of Archaeology and National Museum of history jointly launch “Special Exhibition of Asian Drinking Cultures.” (Courtesy of Shihsanhang Museum of Archaeology)


With this observation in mind, the New Taipei Shihsanhang Museum of Archaeology and the National Museum of history have jointly launched the “Special Exhibition of Asian Drinking Cultures,” showcasing drinking vessels and references to introduce the historical context of the East Asian drinking culture and the infusion of eastern and western culture.

The exhibition showcases around 70 artifacts, including the Chinese drinking vessels and woodcut prints, indigenous drinking vessels in Taiwan, and the wine ware unearthed at the Shiagukeng site in Bali. The exhibition will lead the viewers to appreciate the beauty of drinking wares from different cultures and time.

特展展出精選中華文化特色酒器與版畫、臺灣原住民族酒器以及十三行博物館在地「下罟坑遺址」出土的酒器瓷片等近70件文物|The special exhibition showcases the drinking vessels and references to introduce the historical context of East Asian drinking culture and the infusion of eastern and western culture. (Courtesy of Shihsanhang Museum of Archaeology)
特展展出精選中華文化特色酒器與版畫、臺灣原住民族酒器以及十三行博物館在地「下罟坑遺址」出土的酒器瓷片等近70件文物|The special exhibition showcases the drinking vessels and references to introduce the historical context of East Asian drinking culture and the infusion of eastern and western culture. (Courtesy of Shihsanhang Museum of Archaeology)


The special exhibition also features interactive multimedia installations, creating a bar blended with eastern and western culture through the vast projections of the wine barrel, wine pool, and wine waterfalls. What’s more? The motion-sensitive interactive projector is installed so visitors can play pitch-pot, a traditional Chinese game.


What’s more? The Shihsanhang Museum has joined hands with a local craft beer brand, Taiwan Head Brewer, and launched an event to invite visitors to revel in Asian wine in person.

十三行博物館推出期間限定「古早人啤酒」讓觀眾品嚐酒的滋味!| An even featuring wine tasting will be held. (Courtesy of Shihsanhang Museum of Archaeology)
十三行博物館推出期間限定「古早人啤酒」讓觀眾品嚐酒的滋味!| An even featuring wine tasting will be held. (Courtesy of Shihsanhang Museum of Archaeology)


While taking sips of wine brewed with local fruits such as guava, mango, orange, visitors would fully immerse themselves in the various wine cultures.


The “Special Exhibition of Asian Drinking Cultures” is running until June 21 at the Shihsanhang Museum of Archaeology in the 1st Special Exhibition Room. The limited-edition merchandise is going on sale at the gift shop in the Shihsanhang Museum.

For more information, visit http://www.sshm.ntpc.gov.tw or Facebook fan page https://www.facebook.com/13hangmuseum

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