純潔白花超吸晴 李花綻放美景似雪正當時

<p>▲綻放美麗純白的黃柑李花。|Plum trees are in full blossom (NOWnews)</p>

▲綻放美麗純白的黃柑李花。|Plum trees are in full blossom (NOWnews)


Are you still thinking about where to go this weekend? Well, it’s the best time to go where flowers blossom! If you live in southern Taiwan, for instance, the plum flowers are blooming in Chiayi County Jiaoliping and Kezilin, near the Alishan National Scenic Area, creating a romantic snow-like scene.

▲嘉166線近70K附近,綻放美麗的黃柑李花。| Plum trees are in full blossom (NOWnews)
▲嘉166線近70K附近,綻放美麗的黃柑李花。| Plum trees are in full blossom (NOWnews)


The best place to enjoy the blooming flowers is also next to a barbecue stand alongside the 166 County Road at 70k. According to the owner of the plum tree farm, the entire blooming period can last from seven to ten days and it’s the best time to enjoy the flower blossom.

▲嘉166線近70K附近,綻放美麗的黃柑李花。| Plum trees are in full blossom (NOWnews)
▲嘉166線近70K附近,綻放美麗的黃柑李花。| Plum trees are in full blossom (NOWnews)


Don’t wait any longer! The entrance to the plum farm is free of charge. Still, the owner urges visitors not to tug the flowers and sticks.

地點:嘉義縣166縣道近70K | 603, Chiayi County, Meishan Township, 14號
票價:免費|Ticket: Free

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