美英貿易代表視訊會談 商討應對中國大陸因素挑戰

美國貿易代表署表示,貿易代表戴琪(Katherine Tai)今天透過網路會見英國新任貿易大臣巴登諾克(Kemi Badenoch),兩人商討應對中國大陸挑戰的問題。

WASHINGTON, DC - MAY 17: U.S. Trade Representative Katherine Tai delivers remarks during a reception to celebrate Asian American, Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander Heritage Month in the Rose Garden of the White House on May 17, 2022 in Washington, DC. While highlighting examples of contributions by Asian Americans to U.S. culture and history, President Joe Biden also said the country must push back again anti-Asian bias, xenophobia and harassment, which has spiked during the COVID-19 pandemic. (Photo by Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images)
美國貿易代表戴琪今天透過網路會見英國新任貿易大臣巴登諾克,兩人商討應對中國挑戰的問題。(資料照/Getty Images)


聲明並說,戴琪也表達,美國支持「貝爾法斯特協議」(或稱耶穌受難節協議,Belfast/Good Friday Agreement),同時支持英國和歐盟化解對於「北愛爾蘭議定書」(Northern Ireland Protocol)的歧見。