老外帶路/高雄最夯景點一次看! 老外揭在地人才知道的港都秘密


Amedee, a Polish photographer who has lived in Kaohsiung for more than six years, made a beautifully-filmed video to introduce the best places to eat, have fun, and photograph in the southern city, hoping to show you the unique charm of the city.


In recent years, Kaohsiung has been changing very fast, and there are new scenic spots every year for visitors to discover.

The photographer loves the modern architecture of Kaohsiung, which is unique in its own way, for instance, the Kaohsiung Metropolitan Park Exhibition Hall, Kaohsiung Exhibition Center and Kaohsiung Public Library.

駁二藝術特區近年來成為熱門拍照景點|The Pier2 Art Center has become one of the most popular photo op spots. (Courtesy of Amedee)
駁二藝術特區近年來成為熱門拍照景點|The Pier2 Art Center has become one of the most popular photo op spots. (Courtesy of Amedee)
駁二藝術特區近年來成為熱門拍照景點|The Pier2 Art Center has become one of the most popular photo op spots. (Courtesy of Amedee)
駁二藝術特區近年來成為熱門拍照景點|The Pier2 Art Center has become one of the most popular photo op spots. (Courtesy of Amedee)


In addition to modern architecture, Kaohsiung has also preserved various unique temples, among which Amedee recommends the “Lotus Pond,” which boasts Buddhist, Taoist and Confucian temples.

The Dragon Tiger Pagoda attracts both local and overseas tourists every year to enjoy its beauty.

安德首推「蓮池潭」,園區內有佛教、道教、孔子廟等各宗教廟宇|Amedee recommends the “Lotus Pond,” which boasts Buddhist, Taoist and Confucian temples. (Courtesy of Amedee)
安德首推「蓮池潭」,園區內有佛教、道教、孔子廟等各宗教廟宇|Amedee recommends the “Lotus Pond,” which boasts Buddhist, Taoist and Confucian temples. (Courtesy of Amedee)
龍虎塔 | The Dragon Tiger Pagoda (Courtesy of Amedee)
龍虎塔 | The Dragon Tiger Pagoda (Courtesy of Amedee)
龍虎塔 | The Dragon Tiger Pagoda (Courtesy of Amedee)
龍虎塔 | The Dragon Tiger Pagoda (Courtesy of Amedee)


If you like to be close to nature, Amedee also recommends some of the natural destinations, such as Sizihwan and Shoushan, which are less than 10 minutes’ drive from the city center.


The Polish photographer ended by sharing a secret that only locals know. After knowing this secret, anyone can get around Kaohsiung without getting lost, he said.

波蘭攝影師安德 | Polish photographer Amedee (Courtesy of Amedee)
波蘭攝影師安德 | Polish photographer Amedee (Courtesy of Amedee)


Let’s take a look at some of Andrew’s most recommended Kaohsiung attractions!

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