老外看台灣/ 老外佈置聖誕樹掛「台灣」 自曝背後原因超催淚

<p>Kara realized that there weren’t many Christmas ornaments depicting Taiwan and so decided to make her own. (Photo courtesy of @u/karawall/Reddit)</p>

Kara realized that there weren’t many Christmas ornaments depicting Taiwan and so decided to make her own. (Photo courtesy of @u/karawall/Reddit)


As Christmas draws near, expats in Taiwan have been preparing to celebrate. Being far from home, however, takes away a great deal of holiday cheer, so a foreigner decided to create something for others to celebrate the holidays in style.

Kara Wall是一位駐台外國人,在2017年突然意識到在台北的家中,可以購買作為紀念品的飾品並不多,無法帶給她聖誕的快樂。

Kara Wall, a Reddit user and a fellow expat in Taiwan realized in 2017 that there weren’t many ornaments to be purchased as keepsakes to bring Christmas cheer to her home in Taipei.

Kara Wall’s creations this year. (Photo courtesy of @u/karawall/Reddit)
Kara Wall’s creations this year. (Photo courtesy of @u/karawall/Reddit)


She then began making her own crafts and included images like Taipei 101 and lanterns to represent what makes up Taiwan onto her decorations.


Her creations quickly caught the attention of other members of the foreign community, with many asking if the ornaments are for sale.


A social media user from New York even suggested Wall make them into keychains so people could bring some holiday cheer with them wherever they go.


Another added that though they had already returned to their home country, they still hung up the ornaments they purchased last year in Taiwan to remind them of the beautiful island during the holiday season.

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