致敬香蕉黏牆! 高雄市警察局「紅單黏牆」超有梗

<p>高雄市政府警察局的藝術創作 | The artwork “Magic Traffic Ticket” created by Kaohsiung City Government Police Bureau (Courtesy of FB: KPB)</p>

高雄市政府警察局的藝術創作 | The artwork “Magic Traffic Ticket” created by Kaohsiung City Government Police Bureau (Courtesy of FB: KPB)

【看英文中國郵報學英文】義大利藝術家卡特蘭(Maurizio Cattelan)用膠帶把香蕉黏在牆上,創作出藝術品《喜劇演員》(Comedian),日前在邁阿密海灘巴塞爾藝博會展出,以12萬美元(約台幣365萬)售出,引起全球熱議。昨(10日),高雄市警察局也跟上這波「黏香蕉」潮流,貼出一張「紅單黏牆」,標題名為〈你看過這個Magic的裝置藝術嗎?〉,提醒民眾注意交通安全,引起網友討論。

The work of Italian artist Maurizio Cattelan, “Comedian,” has created a stir worldwide in recent days. His “banana duct-taped to a wall,” which was sold for US$120,000 at Art Basel Miami Beach, has been criticized by media and netizens who have responded with humor to its hefty price. Not to be outdone, officers from Kaohsiung City Government Police Bureau (KPB) unveiled on Tuesday their “Magic Traffic Ticket” on Facebook.


The local version of “Comedian” features a traffic ticket duct-taped to a wall with the comment: “Its value, which ranges from NT$600 to NT$180,000, is determined by how people buy it. Every ticket is different and never repeated. The post is accompanied by a number, date, and photos of the art piece.”


KPB wrote: “Do you want to buy it? Well, we don’t want to sell it. We hope everyone can obey traffic rules and make it impossible to sell.” KPB also expressed hopes that people would buy more local bananas rather than risk their own lives to get a traffic ticket.


In response to the post, netizens commented: “That’s hilarious.” Another said: “some people eat it on the spot. The others said, “policemen are funny” and “they do catch up on the news.”

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