英情侶批在台像監禁 陳時中回:我們沒有虧待人

<p>(Screengrab from NOWnews of BBC report)</p>

(Screengrab from NOWnews of BBC report)

【看英文中國郵報學英文】中央流行疫情指揮中心今 (26)日回應英國情侶在台居家檢疫環境差的抱怨,表示沒有虧待人。

The Central Epidemic Command Center (CECC, 中央流行疫情中心) on Thursday responded to complaints by a British couple (Natalie Dawson and Rohan Pixley) who have been under quarantine in Taiwan, stressing that Taiwan authorities haven’t mistreated anyone.

中央流行疫情指揮中心於 18 日發出公告,非本國籍人一律限制入境,所有入境者也必須居家隔離 14 天,並回溯至 3 月 5 日至 14 日期間自歐洲入境的民眾。有對英國情侶因此正在台灣被隔離中,但女子的媽媽卻向《BBC》抱怨說,台灣的隔離環境太差,「像是在監獄」。

Since March 18, all foreigners from Europe entering Taiwan need to undergo a 14-day mandatory quarantine. A British couple was subsequently placed under quarantine, but the mother of the young woman told to the BBC that Taiwan’s quarantine was similar to the experience of living in jail.

根據《BBC》報導,這對情侶的名字分別是道森(Natalie Dawson)與皮克斯利(Rohan Pixley),道森的母親抱怨說,女兒與男友計劃前往澳洲旅遊,但因為疫情爆發於是停留在台灣,然後便接到通知必須進行居家隔離。兩人原本是待在旅館隔離,但隨後被衛生單位帶往「未知地點」進行隔離。

According to the BBC, Dawson’s mother complained that her daughter and boyfriend were originally planning on traveling to Australia, but due to the virus, they decided to stay in Taiwan for a while.

They then received instructions to undergo a 14-day quarantine without further notice. The couple was previously staying in a hotel but was reportedly taken by health authorities to an “unknown location” for isolation.


Dawson’s mother said that the quarantine environment was terrible, saying that the rooms were dirty, there was no hot water, and no way to wash clothes.

Though meals were provided, she reports that they are of “poor quality and meager portions”. Dawson’s mother said that her daughter has a strong character, but the conditions are just too awful.


The BBC reported that the British Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) is assisting the woman and have raised concerns about her situation to Taiwan authorities.


The article was met with skepticism from netizens as no photos of the alleged terrible conditions were provided. As statements were released by the mother of Dawson and locations were not specified, many didn’t believe that no hot water was provided to the couple.


Regarding this complaint, Health Minister and CECC head Chen Shih-chung reassured the public that authorities are doing all they can to understand more details about the case.

The CECC confirmed that the couple is indeed in Taiwan, but stressed that they are not being mistreated.

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