谷歌街景驚見待葬「屍體」 真相曝光背後原因超浪漫

<p>A creepy photo captured by Google Street View of two bodies apparently awaiting their burials in shallow graves made the rounds on Reddit recently. (Photo courtesy of Western Exhibitions Website)</p>

A creepy photo captured by Google Street View of two bodies apparently awaiting their burials in shallow graves made the rounds on Reddit recently. (Photo courtesy of Western Exhibitions Website)


A creepy photo captured by Google Street View of two bodies apparently awaiting their burials in shallow graves has recently made the rounds on Reddit.


Social media users were quite alarmed after they discovered the aerial image showing two open graves with piles of soil beside and two men seemingly fitting perfectly into them.


The photo raised many questions as some asked why there weren’t any shovels to be seen at the “burial site.”

原來,這張照片墓中的兩名男子其實是來自芝加哥的藝術家史丹‧莎拉伯格 (Stan Shellabarger) 杜特斯‧米勒 (Dutes Miller)

A logical explanation was soon given as it was later announced that the two men in the graves were actually Stan Shellabarger and Dutes Miller, two artists from Chicago.

而照片本身也是兩位創作家標名為「未命名, 墳墓」的作品。幾年前也在美國伊利諾州的西方展覽藝廊」展示。

The image was actually an artwork created by the two artists, named “Untitled (Graves),” and was shown at a Western Exhibitions art gallery in Illinois a few years ago.


According to foreign media, the two are partners in making art about love, distance and death.


For this particular project, they laid in their graves and dug a tunnel sideways so that they could hold hands “eternally.”


The image was later captured through the use of a crane.

The two art pieces are titled, “Untitled (Graves)” and “Untitled 1 (Grave, Basel, Switzerland) 2008.” (Photos courtesy of Western Exhibitions website)
The two art pieces are titled, “Untitled (Graves)” and “Untitled 1 (Grave, Basel, Switzerland) 2008.” (Photos courtesy of Western Exhibitions website)


Miller previously said in an interview that many of their artworks are centered around “mortality.”


As people get older, mortality becomes more prevalent in discussions.


He added that when you care about another person, sooner or later, you’ll need to face the fact that you could be separated by death. Yet, it also represents the “strong emotional bond” existing between people.

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