超商架奇特飲料擺設迎中元 網友笑瘋:色盲檢測?

<p>A convenience store set up a colorful display in anticipation for the upcoming Ghost Festival. (Photo courtesy of 路上觀察學院/Facebook)</p>

A convenience store set up a colorful display in anticipation for the upcoming Ghost Festival. (Photo courtesy of 路上觀察學院/Facebook)

【看CP學英文】 在中華文化裡,中元節為農曆七月十五日正式開始,而今年的鬼門預計在八月中旬打開,這意味著陰間靈魂又要重返陽間與我們相聚了。

In Chinese culture, the fifteenth day of the seventh lunar month marks the beginning of the Ghost Festival (中元節), when ghosts and spirits, including those of deceased ancestors, visit the living world.

This year, the underworld gates are set to open sometime in mid-August.


With a little over a month until the festival begins, shops in Taiwan are gearing up to stock enough food and drinks for Taiwanese to offer the spirits in August.


One social media user recently posted on the Facebook group “Streets Observation Academy” (路上觀察學院) showcasing a stunningly colorful display set up by a local convenience store.


The photo showed the Chinese characters “zhong yuan” (中元), referring to “Ghost Festival,” made up entirely of Mine Shine (麥香) beverages.


In fact, the feat was created by stacking packets of Mine Shine black, green, and milk tea on top of one another outside the convenience store.


The drinks are a staple in many Taiwanese’s childhoods when not many options for beverages were available.


“You can’t go wrong with Mine Shine,” one user commented, with an obvious reference to the brand’s slogan.


“The 7-Eleven staff are incredible,” another user commented。


“I thought this was a test for color blindness” jests another user, making a dig at the red and green colors of the packet drinks.


Some users were so amused that they edited the original photo and came up with several variations of the Chinese characters ‘中元’, including ‘中天’ (referring to CTi News).


It seems that many Taiwanese are tickled by the original post, which has garnered more than 8,000 likes and shared nearly 100 times.

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