阿里山春季限定賞櫻列車 乘檜木列車走訪櫻花秘境


Blooming cherry blossoms are one of the first signs of spring. Alishan Forest Railway and Cultural Heritage Office is organizing themed train tours in March, taking visitors to explore secret spots full of cherry blossoms in the park.


During the tour, you will sit in a Taiwan cypress-made train to admire the beauty of various flowering cherry trees native to Taiwan while listening to the stories about the history of the Taiwan forestry industry.

阿里山林鐵及文資處推出三月限定《綻放。舞櫻》主題列車|Alishan Forest Railway and Cultural Heritage Office is organizing themed train tours in March (Courtesy of Facebook/Alishan Forest Railway and Cultural Heritage Office)
阿里山林鐵及文資處推出三月限定《綻放。舞櫻》主題列車|Alishan Forest Railway and Cultural Heritage Office is organizing themed train tours in March (Courtesy of Facebook/Alishan Forest Railway and Cultural Heritage Office)


The six themed trains will run every Monday in March. If you are interested in joining the tour, please make an online reservation beforehand.

活動資訊 | Themed train Information

梯次日期:3/2、3/9、3/16、3/23、3/30 | Dates: Mar. 2, 9, 16, 23, 30

套裝售價:1000元/人 (含林鐵車資、導覽費、午餐、及林鐵紀念品),每梯次限額80人 | Ticket: NT$1000 (US$ 33.3) / per person ( The ticket includes train fare, tour guide fee, lunch and souvenir)

活動報名網址:https://afrts.forest.gov.tw/TP01_1.aspx |Booking Tickets, click here: https://afrts.forest.gov.tw/TP01_1.aspx

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