陳時中投書捷克媒體 籲各國支持台灣參與WHO

<p>CECC Chief Commander Chen Shih-chung (Photo courtesy of CNA)</p>

CECC Chief Commander Chen Shih-chung (Photo courtesy of CNA)


‘Denik’, a regional daily newspaper in the Czech Republic, on Saturday published a written statement from Taiwan Health Minister Chen Shih-chung documenting Taiwan’s experience in battling the COVID-19 pandemic and calling for global support in Taiwan’s participation in the World Health Organization (WHO).


In the article, Chen pointed out that infectious diseases have increasingly threatened humanity and Taiwan has used the experience gained from the 2003 SARS epidemic to deal with the pandemic.

As soon as the government got wind of a new virus brewing, Taiwan immediately began adopting testing measures in airports and activated the Central Epidemic Command Center in January 2020 to effectively battle the coronavirus.


With home-quarantine measures, fever checks, electronic tests set in airports and phone-tracking devices, Taiwan was able to prevent community spread nationwide, Chen wrote.

The government also set up regulations limiting the export of face masks while increasing production and establishing a name-based system to ensure everyone has access to personal protection equipment, Chen added.


Although Taiwan is not an official member of the WHO, the country will still share vital information with the Czech Republic, the U.S., Italy, France and Germany, and more, to help combat the pandemic., the health minister also wrote.


To conclude, Chen stated that whether it be areas concerning public health, medical and health insurance systems, rapid screening and vaccine manufacturing, Taiwan can help.

Chen hopes that Taiwan can be allowed to participate in WHO meetings and activities to realize the vision of “health being a fundamental right of every human being.”

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