人類最好的朋友是元兇? 加拿大研究新冠病毒由「狗傳人」

<p>來自加拿大的一份研究指出,人類最好的朋友「狗狗」竟是造成震盪世界數個月、造成無數死亡流行病的元兇。|A new research from Canada recently indicated that “man’s best friend” could possibly be the innocent perpetrator behind the spread of the COVID-19 virus.(Shutterstock)</p>

來自加拿大的一份研究指出,人類最好的朋友「狗狗」竟是造成震盪世界數個月、造成無數死亡流行病的元兇。|A new research from Canada recently indicated that “man’s best friend” could possibly be the innocent perpetrator behind the spread of the COVID-19 virus.(Shutterstock)


A new research from Canada recently indicated that “man’s best friend” could possibly be the innocent perpetrator behind the spread of COVID-19.


Experts from the University of Ottawa say that stray dogs may have consumed discarded bat meat and passed on the virus to humans; thus, overthrowing the original assumption of pangolins being the intermediary animal.


Since December 2019, experts from all over the world have dedicated themselves to finding the intermediary animal to produce a vaccine for humans.


A researcher responsible for analyzing the virus responsible for COVID-19 claims that the only explanation that could explain their findings is that dogs infected humans.


However, this research was met with some criticism, with one claiming that it was “far too much inference and far too little direct data.”

研究報告作者生物學家Xuhua Xia表示,我們的觀察能形成對於最初感染源的全新假設。新冠病毒的祖先、近親是蝙蝠身上的冠狀病毒,經狗狗腸胃後,很可能導致病毒迅速演化,再傳染人類。

The author of the study, biologist Xuhua Xia, said that the team’s observations could shape a new hypothesis for the original source of the virus. He theorized that the virus had come from bats and gone through dogs’ stomachs causing it to mutate and evolve. Then, it infected humans.


The research team based its conclusions on the analysis of chemical features from bats, pangolins, dogs, snakes and humans.

※ Reminder: Taiwan CDC asks travelers who show symptoms, such as fever or cough, upon arriving in Taiwan to wear a surgical mask and seek immediate medical attention. In addition, foreigners should inform authorities of any history of travel, occupation and contacts to facilitate timely diagnosis and prompt case-reporting. Call the toll-free number of the Communicable Disease Reporting and Consultation Hotline, 1922 (or 0800-001922).

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