馬英九呼籲台灣應多捐款和疫苗 讓台灣幫助世界更多

<p>(Photo courtesy of Facebook/Ma Ying-jeou)</p>

(Photo courtesy of Facebook/Ma Ying-jeou)


Amid the coronavirus outbreak, Taiwan authorities’ comprehensive virus-prevention measures and quick actions have attracted praises worldwide.

Taiwan has managed to significantly keep the number of confirmed COVID-19 cases down while providing COVID-19 information and donating face masks to other countries.


To this, former president Ma Ying-jeou not only praised Taiwan’s efforts to Facebook but also reminded authorities to donate relief funds overseas and assist in the development of a vaccine against the coronavirus.

In this way, Ma believes that it will bring Taiwan one step closer to President Tsai’s ideal of turning Taiwan into an indispensable ally in the battle against COVID-19.


“Taiwan can help, Taiwan is helping, and Taiwan can help more!” he wrote, stressing that Taiwan’s previous donations were not always used to their greatest extent for political reasons, but all have witnessed Taiwan’s actions and dedication to the global community.

Ma believes that Taiwan’s support can go beyond donating face masks. Taiwan can also show its sincerity and determination by donating relief funds.

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