高以翔告別式父母悲痛送別 女友眼眶含淚一路緊隨

【看英文中國郵報學英文】藝人高以翔昨( 15 )日舉行告別式,演藝圈好友陳建州、藍鈞天、毛加恩等人都現身上香,公祭開放媒體進入鞠躬致意,會場裡高以翔父母坐在第一排,女友 Bella 坐在兩人旁邊,眼眶泛淚,送別摯愛最後一程。

The funeral of Canadian-Taiwanese actor Godfrey Gao unfolded at Taipei’s Mortuary Services Office, First Funeral Parlor on Sunday with friends and relatives in attendance, including Chen Chien-chou, Lan Jun Tian, and James Mao, who expressed their sadness and sorrow at his sudden passing.

▲高以翔父母一早就到會場準備相關事宜。(圖/記者林柏年攝)|Gao’s parents arrived early at the funeral. (NOWnews)
▲高以翔父母一早就到會場準備相關事宜。(圖/記者林柏年攝)|Gao’s parents arrived early at the funeral. (NOWnews)


According to local media, around 100 people attended the funeral while many fans waited quietly outside. Although they intended to join in the first place, they were turned down by the organizers. Gao’s body was later sent to the Second Funeral Parlor for cremation.

▲黑范夫妻離去會場。(圖/記者林柏年攝)| Taiwanese TV host, Chen Chien-chou and his wife attended the Gao’s funeral.<br>(NOWnews)
▲黑范夫妻離去會場。(圖/記者林柏年攝)| Taiwanese TV host, Chen Chien-chou and his wife attended the Gao’s funeral.


The memorial gifts for each attendee included gummy bears, which were Gao’s favorite sweet treats.

▲現場布滿白色花海。(圖/記者林柏年攝)| The set of the service was adorned with the white flowers. (NOWnews)
▲現場布滿白色花海。(圖/記者林柏年攝)| The set of the service was adorned with the white flowers. (NOWnews)


Gao Godfrey, 35, died from sudden cardiac arrest on Nov. 27 in China while filming an action variety show “Chase Me” produced by Zhejiang Satellite TV in Ningbo.

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Friends, family express sadness after passing of Godfrey Gao
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