【鮮甜綿滑】海鮮粥 Seafood congee

邊個話食粥好慘?落足料嘅海鮮粥,每一啖都咁滿足。煲海鮮粥嘅時候,記得要用蛋白醃下啲配料,食落就更加滑溜,加埋薑絲就唔怕腥味同寒涼啦! 想知白粥粥底點樣煲,請睇返:https://cook1cook.com/recipe/53597

製作時間: 1小時以上
份量人數: 5-6人

白粥粥底 Plain congee 約2千克/kg
魚肉 Fish meat 120克/g
蝦肉 Shrimp 120克/g
魷魚 Squid 120克/g
鹽 Salt ½茶匙/tsp
蛋白 Egg white 1湯匙/tbsp
薑絲 Shredded ginger 適量/Some

1 :
2 :

所有海鮮抹乾,魚肉切塊 Pat dry all seafood. Cut fish into pieces.
3 :

魷魚切圈 Cut squid into circles.
4 :

所有海鮮下鹽及蛋白拌勻,倒去多餘的蛋白 Mix all seafood with salt and egg white. Remove excess egg white.
5 :

煲滾粥底,下海鮮料及薑絲 Boil congee. Add in all seafood and shredded ginger.
6 :

滾起後熄火加蓋焗5分鐘即成 Bring to a boil. Cover, leave heat and wait for 5 minutes.

- 食譜來源 : https://cook1cook.com/recipe/53746
- 發掘更多美食 : https://cook1cook.com