
遛狗、貓奴、鏟屎官等英文怎麼說?圖片來源:Getty image
遛狗、貓奴、鏟屎官等英文怎麼說?圖片來源:Getty image

你養過寵物嗎?小 V 本身是個鼠奴,不過說到寵物,多數人熟知的應該還是貓狗。

遛狗、貓奴、鏟屎官,這些英文又該怎麼說呢?來和小 V 一起學習這些可愛的用詞吧!

Bob 上禮拜去了外婆家,和外婆家的貴賓狗 (poodle) 玩得不亦樂乎,手機裡也因此多了許許多多可愛小狗的照片。那麼可愛的照片難道要私藏嗎?不!他決定和朋友 Sofia 分享可愛、分享萌!

Bob: Sofia, are you a dog person?

Sofia: I’m more of a hamster person. Why?

Bob: Last week I went to my grandma’s house and took tons of pictures of her poodle. (showing Sofia pictures on his smartphone) Isn’t it cute?
Bob:我上週去我外婆家,給她的貴賓狗拍了一堆照片。(給 Sofia 看他手機上的照片) 她是不是很可愛?

Sofia: Its eyes are so shiny!

Bob: Yes, but she’s actually a pretty naughty doggie. Whenever I walk her on the street, she barks at whatever is moving—cars, birds, pedestrians. She’s quite nervous, which is less than ideal because whenever she feels nervous, she poops, which is why I always have to bring some plastic bags with me when walking the dog.

Sofia: Sounds like she might have been the runt of the litter. Is she also nervous at home?

Bob: No. She seems calm at home. And she often wags her tail when she sees me or my grandma approaching.

Sofia: That sounds lovely!

Bob 真是負責任,出門遛狗都會記得撿狗便。


dog person (n.) 愛狗人士

dog person 意指「愛狗人士」,亦可代表「狗奴」,如果換成 cat person 則成了「愛貓人士;貓奴」了,同理可以換成常見的其他寵物例如對話中提到的 hamster person (愛鼠人士)。

My uncle keeps up to eight dogs at a time. He’s a dog person.

walk the dog (phr.) 遛狗

walk the dog 的意思可不是「讓狗走路」,而是指「遛狗」,也可以說 take the dog for a walk。

She usually walks the dog in the morning.

the runt of the litter (n.) 同窩中最弱小者

runt 為名詞,意思是同窩中「最弱小者」,而 litter 在此也當名詞,表示「一窩剛出生的小動物」。

I think my dog must have been the runt of the litter. He gets really aggressive around food—like he’s worried you’re going to take it from him.

I was always the runt of the litter growing up. I was quite small for my age and got bullied a lot.

wag (v.) 搖

wag 動名詞同形,意思是「搖擺;擺動;晃動」,尤指擺動尾巴或手指,如:wag the tail (搖尾巴)、wag the finger (擺動手指)。

Tommy wags his finger and shakes his head.
Tommy 擺動手指、搖搖頭。Dogs wag their tails when they’re happy.
狗狗開心時會搖尾巴。With a firm wag of the finger, Stephanie made it clear to the man at the bar that she was not interested.
Stephanie 堅決地擺動手指,像酒吧裡的那名男子表示她對他沒興趣。

Sofia 也有養寵物嗎?繼續看下去!

Bob: How about your hamster? I heard that you got one recently.

Sofia: He’s the cutest creature I’ve ever seen in my life!!

Bob: Wow! How long have you had him?

Sofia: So far only a week. Yesterday I took him to a vet for a health check. He’s just two months old, and he’s very healthy.

Bob: He’s so little!

Sofia: Yeah, and his body is tiny as well. He’s about half the size of my palm. Tiny as he is, he’s still my dearest fur baby.
Sofia:是啊,他的身形也很迷你。他才差不多我的半個手心大。不過他雖然小,仍是我最親愛的毛小孩。Bob: You must have a lot of pictures. Which is your favorite?

Sofia: This one. (showing Bob a picture on her smartphone) Look at those whiskers!
Sofia:這一張。(給 Bob 看她手機上的一張照片) 看看那些鬍鬚!

vet (n.) 獸醫

vet 為名詞 veterinarian 的簡稱,意思是「獸醫」。補充:veterinary clinic (獸醫診所),意思同 animal hospital (動物醫院)。

Tommy dreams of becoming a vet but he’s squeamish around blood.
Tommy 夢想成為一名獸醫,但是他很怕看到血。

fur baby (n.) 毛小孩

fur 意指「毛皮」,和 kid (小孩) 合在一起則成為了名詞 fur baby (毛小孩)。

Many people nowadays choose to have a so-called fur baby instead of children.

補充:furry「毛茸茸的」,相近的形容詞還有 fluffy,不過 fluffy 更強調毛茸茸而且摸起來「蓬鬆的」。

This rabbit is very fluffy and furry. .

whisker (n.) 鬍鬚

whisker 意指動物的「鬍鬚」,常見搭配動詞 twitch (抽動;抽搐)。

The cat twitched its whiskers and jumped off the roof.

小 V 自己也養了一隻倉鼠,非常能體會 Sofia 的心情。
不過小 V 也要提醒大家,別看動物可愛就貿然決定飼養,一定要先做足功課,有合適的飼養空間和正確的飼養知識哦!

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