
<p>Parents are always complaining that children often ignore their messages. (Shutterstock)</p>

Parents are always complaining that children often ignore their messages. (Shutterstock)

【看英文中國郵報學英文】許多爸媽常抱怨小孩看到訊息「已讀不回」,而大部分家長只是抱怨一下,但英國有一位45歲爸爸Nick Herbert為了要小孩立馬回覆訊息,花了9個月開發一個速回APP「ReplyASAP」。

Parents often complain that children ignore their messages. Well, there’s now a brilliant application that makes your children reply ASAP! Nick Herbert from England spent nine months creating the app called “ReplyASAP” to force his son to respond to his text messages … immediately.


The 45-year-old engineer has a 13-year-old son who never returns messages. Nick’s son keeps his phone on silent mode and ignores his father’s calls.

<span>為了讓小孩馬上回訊息,Herbert開發了這款APP。| </span>Nick created the app to make his son reply to his messages. (IG: votaqro)
為了讓小孩馬上回訊息,Herbert開發了這款APP。| Nick created the app to make his son reply to his messages. (IG: votaqro)

這款APP自2017年在Google Play上線以來下載次數超過75,000次。一旦手機裝上「速回APP」並綁定追蹤人後,無論是否轉為靜音,收到訊息都會響個不停直到被追蹤者已讀並回覆訊息。就算把APP刪除,系統也會發出刪除通知給追蹤人。

The app has been downloaded over 75,000 times since its launch in 2017. The ReplyASAP overrides the silent function of phones whenever a message is sent. The alarm goes on until the receiver replies to the message. The system can even send a notification to the parent if their kid deletes the app.

目前「Reply ASAP」僅提供Android用戶下載,雖然下載免費,但使用時要收費,追蹤一個人要1.22美元(約台幣37元) ; 10個人要價8.51美元(約台幣260元)。

ReplyASAP is only available on the Android platform. It’s free to download, but whenever you connect to someone, it costs $1.22 (NT$37) per contact. Connection to ten contacts can cost you up to US$8.51 (NT$260).

目前「Reply ASAP」僅提供Android用戶下載 | ReplyASAP is only available on the Android platform.(IG: ingetronic24)
目前「Reply ASAP」僅提供Android用戶下載 | ReplyASAP is only available on the Android platform.(IG: ingetronic24)

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