不用飛出國 台灣VS國外 夢幻美景

<p>(圖翻攝自苗栗馥藝金鬱金香酒店臉書|Courtesy of Facebook/Golden Tulip Aesthetics hotel)</p>

(圖翻攝自苗栗馥藝金鬱金香酒店臉書|Courtesy of Facebook/Golden Tulip Aesthetics hotel)


The Taitung County Government and Golden Tulip Aesthetics hotel in Miaoli recently posted a series of photos on Facebook that compare local and global destinations side-by-side. The locations feature picture-perfect scenes unparalleled to any other and provide those itching to travel abroad with an alternative right at home.


Similar to that of Japan’s “best starry sky” in Achi Village, Taitung’s beautiful night sky is just as magical. With little light pollution and a small population, Taitung is an ideal place to star-gaze. Lying in the middle of a field with the night sky above you and the Taitung Starry Night Concert playing live, you can enjoy a night filled with beauty and wonder.

台東最美星空V.S.阿智村|Taitung’s beautiful night sky V.S. Japan’s “best starry sky” in Achi Village (Courtesy of Facebook/@taitung.tourism)
台東最美星空V.S.阿智村|Taitung’s beautiful night sky V.S. Japan’s “best starry sky” in Achi Village (Courtesy of Facebook/@taitung.tourism)


Only a 7-minutes drive from the Taitung city center, Taitung Forest Park features a black forest and three lakes, offering you a place as beautiful as New Zealand’s to relax.

臺東森林公園V.S.紐西蘭|Taitung Forest Park V.S. Nature scenery in New Zealand(Courtesy of Facebook/@taitung.tourism)
臺東森林公園V.S.紐西蘭|Taitung Forest Park V.S. Nature scenery in New Zealand(Courtesy of Facebook/@taitung.tourism)


Shinto shrines are the must-visit tourist destinations whenever people travel to Japan. In Taiwan, you can also appreciate the beauty of old Japanese shrines in Luye, Taitung. The Cypress Shinto shrine in Luye was rebuilt in 2014 by a Japanese craftman.

台東鹿野神社 V.S.日式神社|Shinto shrine in Luye V.S. Japanese Shinto shrine (Courtesy of Facebook/@taitung.tourism)
台東鹿野神社 V.S.日式神社|Shinto shrine in Luye V.S. Japanese Shinto shrine (Courtesy of Facebook/@taitung.tourism)


The railway crossing that appears in the High School Basketball Manga “Slam Dunk” in Kamakura, Japan has drawn many fans to capture the classic scene in the manga. Against the backdrop of the blue sky and sea, the Taitung “Slam Dunk Level Crossing” in Taimali is one of the picture-perfect spots in eastern Taiwan.

臺東太麻里櫻木花道平交道 V.S.日本鐮倉 |Taitung “Slam Dunk level crossing”V.S. Kamakura, Japan(Courtesy of Facebook/@taitung.tourism)
臺東太麻里櫻木花道平交道 V.S.日本鐮倉 |Taitung “Slam Dunk level crossing”V.S. Kamakura, Japan(Courtesy of Facebook/@taitung.tourism)


In Taiwan, you can attend the international hot air balloon festival in eastern Taiwan without flying to Cappadocia, Turkey. As the balloon takes you up into the air, one can get a birds-eye view of the lolling fields and create memories to last a lifetime.

台東國際熱氣球嘉年華V.S. 土耳其卡帕多奇亞|Taitung’s beautiful night sky V.S. Cappadocia, Turkey(Courtesy of Facebook/@taitung.tourism)
台東國際熱氣球嘉年華V.S. 土耳其卡帕多奇亞|Taitung’s beautiful night sky V.S. Cappadocia, Turkey(Courtesy of Facebook/@taitung.tourism)


Taitung’s Duoliang Train Station is situated between the mountains and the sea. As tourists wait for the train to pass, photography enthusiasts can capture the train seemingly coming from the far horizon of the Pacific Ocean. The beautiful scenery is the spitting image of

臺東多良車站V.S.美國加州聖地牙哥| Taitung’s Duoliang Train Station V.S. San Diego in California, USA. (Courtesy of Facebook/@taitung.tourism)
臺東多良車站V.S.美國加州聖地牙哥| Taitung’s Duoliang Train Station V.S. San Diego in California, USA. (Courtesy of Facebook/@taitung.tourism)


The hotel in Miaoli also shared photos that depicted side-by-side comparisons of the local and overseas destinations including Sanyi rail bike, Longteng Bridge, Xinpu, Tai’an bamboo forest and Buddhist temple.

(圖翻攝自苗栗馥藝金鬱金香酒店臉書|Courtesy of Facebook/Golden Tulip Aesthetics hotel)
(圖翻攝自苗栗馥藝金鬱金香酒店臉書|Courtesy of Facebook/Golden Tulip Aesthetics hotel)
(圖翻攝自苗栗馥藝金鬱金香酒店臉書|Courtesy of Facebook/Golden Tulip Aesthetics hotel)
(圖翻攝自苗栗馥藝金鬱金香酒店臉書|Courtesy of Facebook/Golden Tulip Aesthetics hotel)
(圖翻攝自苗栗馥藝金鬱金香酒店臉書|Courtesy of Facebook/Golden Tulip Aesthetics hotel)
(圖翻攝自苗栗馥藝金鬱金香酒店臉書|Courtesy of Facebook/Golden Tulip Aesthetics hotel)
(圖翻攝自苗栗馥藝金鬱金香酒店臉書|Courtesy of Facebook/Golden Tulip Aesthetics hotel)
(圖翻攝自苗栗馥藝金鬱金香酒店臉書|Courtesy of Facebook/Golden Tulip Aesthetics hotel)
(圖翻攝自苗栗馥藝金鬱金香酒店臉書|Courtesy of Facebook/Golden Tulip Aesthetics hotel)
(圖翻攝自苗栗馥藝金鬱金香酒店臉書|Courtesy of Facebook/Golden Tulip Aesthetics hotel)
(圖翻攝自苗栗馥藝金鬱金香酒店臉書|Courtesy of Facebook/Golden Tulip Aesthetics hotel)
(圖翻攝自苗栗馥藝金鬱金香酒店臉書|Courtesy of Facebook/Golden Tulip Aesthetics hotel)

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