
1. 讓阿公阿嬤樂在學習,教育部在大學推動「樂齡大學」,100學年度增加為86所大學開設96班,提供2900多個招生名額。教育部昨天(15)舉行樂齡大學聯合開學典禮,只要年齡在55歲以上、不限學歷都可以報名就讀。

To enable the elderly enjoy learning, the Ministry of Education has promoted certain programs in the local universities so that the elderly can also participate in the learning experiences. The are more than 2,900 vacancies among 96 classes in 86 universities in the 2011 school year. The Ministry of Education held a joint opening ceremony for those elderly studying at different universities yesterday. As long as the older generations’ age is above 55, they can register and take the courses regardless of their educational background.

2. 基北區101學年度高中職免試入學,各校平均提供5成7的招生名額,新北市更釋出超過6成名額,為了讓國中生更了解各校特色,教育局將於12月18號星期天舉辦「新北市高中職教育博覽會」,轄內57所公私立高中職加上桃園光啟高中,將由校長或主任親自向參觀學生說明就學資訊。

For the 2012 Keelung-Taipei senior high school exam exemption program, averagely, every school has offered 57% of its recruiting vacancies, while in the New Taipei City, the percentage is even higher, which is over 60%. To make junior high school students understand more about the special features of each school, the Ministry of Education will hold an expo aiming at introducing senior high school and vocational school education in the New Taipei city on Sunday, 18 Dec. The principals or chairpersons of 57 public and private senior high schools and vocational schools in the region, plus the Paul Hsu Senior High School in Taoyuan, will introduce the information regarding their respective schools to students visiting the expo.

3. 科學工藝博物館和高雄應用科技大學合作,推出太陽能車展,透過展覽介紹太陽能車的發展過程,還有研究生為大家說明最新的太陽能科技,讓民眾了解,其實太陽能科技的運用,已經越來越貼近每一個現代人的生活。

The National Science and Technology Museum works with The National Kaohsiung University of Applied Science to present the solar car exhibition. Introducing the development of solar car through the exhibition and illustrations of the latest solar technology given by researchers, the exhibition makes the local residents understand the applications of solar technology has become an integral part in every individual’s modern life.


The National Central University cooperates with the Academia Sinica to promote the satellite-image calendar. Combining the satellite-image and 3D terrain simulation technique, photos in the calendar overlook the ancient, historical paths from the sky to reveal the beauty of Taiwan. The calendar is named, dubbed, “Traversing the Old Paths, ” and the images inside cover some 300 years, including the colonization of Taiwan under the Dutch, the Spanish, the Chin Dynasty, the Japanese and the situation under the current government. Such has made the calendar extremely meaningful in the area of historical education.


Under the pressure of rising cost of living, the number of Americans falling into poverty has reached record high: almost 1 in 2 is poor or become the low-income who can barely survive with little amount of salary. According to Robert Rector, a senior researcher of the Heritage Foundation, the economic recession results the high unemployment rate, as well as the decrease of income. For him, to be rid of recession is to encourage the American residents to earn a living by themselves and to be self-sustained so that they can survive without relying on the government’s welfare system.