
1. 為了讓國中師生、家長充分瞭解101學年度五專各項入學管道,技專校院招生策進總會,今天(9)起在全臺辦理9場次教師研習暨家長說明會,說明101學年度國中基測、五專升學進路及五專菁英班等資訊,歡迎師生家長就近報名參加,詳細場次時間地點可利用技專校院招生策進總會網站查詢。

To help junior teachers and students in the junior high schools and the students’ parents fully understand the various channels for the 2012 junior college admission, 技專校院招生策進總會, or the union in charge of the related affairs, will hold 9 seminars nationwide to introduce information related to the Junior High School Basic Competence Test, the above-mentioned admission channels, the elite class and so on. Teachers, students and their parents are welcome to register and attend the seminars held at their respective vicinity. As for the detailed timing and venues for these seminars, please check the union’s website.

2. 哪個英文字最能代表2011年大家所經歷的一切?由多益情報誌主辦的「2011年度英語關鍵字」網路票選結果出爐,在7千多位網友票選中,「App」以超過三成得票率,成為2011年臺灣的年度英語關鍵字。除了App,前四名還包括:Anxiety焦慮、Care關心、Hold撐住,還有Jobs,不但紀念蘋果電腦創辦人賈伯斯,也希望能保住飯碗。

Which English vocabulary can best represent what everybody has been through in 2011? The result of the 2011 English key word online voting conducted by the TOEIC Ok News is revealed. Among some 7,000 votes by the internet users, App occupies over 30% of them, which turns out to be the 2011 English keyword in Taiwan. Besides App, the following vocabularies ranking the top four are Anxiety, Care, Hold and Jobs—This is not only to commemorate the founder of Apple, Steve Jobs, but also the general public’s aspiration to keep being employeed.

3. 國內偏遠原鄉地區的弱勢家庭,正面臨著單親家庭子女多、隔代教養普遍,以及經濟極度貧困等三大困境,善牧基金會特別發起「星火傳愛服務計劃」,希望號召社會各界加入愛心贊助行列,讓原鄉弱勢孩童都能受到長期穩定的資助。

Disadvantaged families in the remote areas in Taiwan are facing three predicaments: many children are from the single-parent families, grandparents taking care of the grandchildren instead of the parents rearing their own children, and the extreme poverty. The Good Shepherd Social Welfare Services specifically launches a service plan called星火傳愛服務計劃, hoping to rally people from all walks of life in our society to become the supporters for such children, so that those disadvantaged children can receive long-term and steady reimbursements.

4. 國立歷史博物館將從明天(10)起展出「美夢成真 迪士尼經典動畫藝術」,展期三個月,將展出600多件經典動畫的素描、設計圖、場景畫和雕塑,展現迪士尼動畫的幕後製作。方便民眾觀賞,史博館也規劃六種路線,讓民眾穿梭在魔法、壞人等不同主題中。

The National Museum of History will exhibit the Disney classical animation art and it will last for 3 months. There will be some 600 pieces of sketches, blueprints, scene drawings, sculptures from the Disney classical animations, revealing the production of Disney animation behind the scenes. To make the exhibition easier for the local residents to visit, the museum also maps out six routes for visitors to explore the different themes presented, namely, the magic, rascals and so on.


Housewives busy shopping at a shopping mall in Boston are interrupted by students from the Harvard University through the following inquiry: “what is the kind of soap you use in your daily life?” It turns out that these students are helping a Brazil soap factory to promote their merchandises. In the past, referred to as the ‘case study,’ the Harvard Business School’s students discussed an enterprise with the professors in the class. At the present, however, the Harvard Business School asks its students to practically be involved in the business battlefield; they can even be sent to the developing countries to directly organize a new company. This is the new form of education devised by the Harvard Business School: Learning by doing. If this new method works, it will be the pioneering new model for the education in business management worldwide.