俄羅斯攻擊烏克蘭糧食出口港 聯合國譴責


美國有線電視新聞網(CNN)報導,聯合國駐烏克蘭協調員兼人道主義事務協調員布朗(Denise Brown)在聲明中表示:「我今天走訪敖德薩州伊斯梅爾港(Izmail),對俄羅斯2日攻擊糧食倉庫造成的破壞程度感到震驚。」



俄羅斯7月17日終止允許烏克蘭糧食出口安全通行的協議,此後,莫斯科對烏克蘭主要城市的糧食供應發動一系列攻擊,多瑙河(Danube River)成為主要目標。(譯者:鄭詩韻/核稿:陳政一)1120806

Russia terminated the deal that allowed for the safe passage of Ukrainian food exports on July 17. In the time since, Moscow has unleashed a flurry of attacks on grain supplies in key Ukrainian cities, and the Danube River became a key target.

The Danube ports — which lie on Ukraine's border with Romania — are Kyiv's main way to ship millions of tons of Ukrainian grain to the rest of the world.

CNN's Olga Voitovych and Xiaofei Xu contributed reporting to this post.