內含全文/諾魯「棄台投中」 美國務院聲明:感到失望


美國國務院官網15日刊登這篇以發言人米勒(Matthew Miller)為名義發出的聲明,全文如下:




While the Government of Nauru’s action on January 15 to sever its diplomatic relationship with Taiwan is a sovereign decision, it is nonetheless a disappointing one.

Taiwan is a reliable, likeminded, and democratic partner. The PRC often makes promises in exchange for diplomatic relations that ultimately remain unfulfilled. We encourage all countries to expand engagement with Taiwan and to continue to support democracy, good governance, transparency, and adherence to the rule of law.

The United States will continue to deepen and expand our engagement with Taiwan on our many shared interests and values, support Taiwan’s meaningful participation in the international community, and deepen our economic ties, consistent with our longstanding one China policy.」


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