全年都啱飲|魚翅瓜蟲草花栗子紅蘿蔔豬展湯 Figleaf gourd, cordycepd flow
魚翅瓜原產自南美洲,外型有點像迷你西瓜,但其實是南瓜的近親。由於切開後瓜肉呈一梳梳的幼條,極像魚翅,故因而得名,煲湯時要選皮淺色、墜手的老瓜。魚翅瓜含豐富纖維,還有清熱解毒、潤滑大腸及降血糖膽固醇的功效,今此更配合了潤肺的蟲草花和健脾補腎的粟子,絕對是一道適合全家,一年四季都啱飲的補益湯水。 魚翅瓜:性涼味甘,能清熱解毒、利尿通乳、消腫止痛 紅蘿蔔:性涼味甘,能滋陰清熱、潤燥生津、益氣養血 粟子:性平味甘苦,能補腎固精、養血安神、健脾開胃 蟲草花:性溫味甘苦,能補肺益腎、止咳化痰、滋陰潤肺
製作時間: 1小時以上
份量人數: 5-6人
中型魚翅瓜 Figleaf gourd, medium size 1個/pc
紅蘿蔔 Carrot 1條/pc
去殼粟子 Peeled chestnut 150克/g
蟲草花 Cordyceps flower 50克/g
陳皮 Dried tangerine peel 1角/ ⅓pc
南北杏 Sweet and bitter apricot kernels 適量/Some
豬展 Pork shank 1個/pc
乾瑤柱 Dried scallop 75克/g
水 Water 2.5公升/Lite
1 :
魚翅瓜洗淨 Wash figleaf gourd.
2 :
切大件 Cut into large pieces.
3 :
紅蘿蔔去皮切件 Peel and cut the carrot into pieces.
4 :
蟲草花洗淨浸軟 Wash and soak the cordyceps flower until soft.
5 :
汆水瀝乾 Blanch for a while then drain dry.
6 :
瑤柱浸軟 Soak the dried scallops until soft.
7 :
陳皮浸軟去囊 Soak the dried tangerine peel until soft. Then remove the white pith.
8 :
栗子煲5分鐘後去皮 Boil chestnuts for 10 minutes and remove the skin.
9 :
豬展汆水洗淨 Blanch the pork shank and rinse.
10 :
煲滾水,下魚翅瓜外所有材料 Bring 2.5 liters of water to boil, then add all the ingredients except for the figleaf gourd.
11 :
滾起後轉中火煲1小時 Reduce to medium heat and simmer for 1 hour.
12 :
下魚翅瓜,再煲1小時 Add the figleaf gourd and continue to simmer for another hour.
13 :
酌量加鹽調味即成 Season with salt to taste.
- 食譜來源 : https://cook1cook.com/recipe/54190
- 發掘更多美食 : https://cook1cook.com